Wednesday 9 January 2008

What A Difference A Day Makes...

Went into Carmarthen today, to try and get the shelves I wanted for the alcove in the lounge, but they are out of stock just my flipping luck. Did however manage to get three small modular units for Harry's room, which we've put together, one has doors, one has 4 cubed shelves and the other has two small doors and 2 shelves. Harry's window sill is now clear, all the games & DVDs are tucked away nicely, behind doors, it's big enough to get two deep. It looks so much tidier in there now and he can now display his replica Samurai Swords on his window sill. That's another job ticked off my list..
Tomorrow we are going to attempt to remove the old kitchen units and get them into Mick's workshop. I'm dreading what we are going to find behind them, just keeping my fingers crossed that as we take the units down that the plaster on the walls doesn't come with them...
I made myself a list of all the work that still needs to be done on the house last night, as you can imagine there's still quite a lot to do inside & out. Most of the jobs inside are minor, just finishing off really, considering that we've had the inside of the house totally gutted and rebuilt, but some major work still to be done outside. I'm determined to get a least one minor job completed each week. I'm also determined to get my finger out re my miniature's. I really need to set aside at least one full day a week to work totally on them, I've really let things slip over the last month.. I also want to spend at least one evening a week catching up on my scrapbooking, can't even remember the last time I did a page...

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