Tuesday 8 January 2008

Boys Back To School...

Well the boys went back to school today, much to my relief and their disgust. The weather is horrid, its persistent rain and high winds. I was soaked when I came in from mucking the horses out.

Been looking on a few websites for a storage cupboard for Harry's bedroom, which at the moment looks like a tornado has gone through it. The problem in this house is there are no storage cupboards, only the one under the stairs. Whereas before in our other house, which was a Victorian Terrace, we had loads of original storage cupboards, under the stairs, in the dining room, on the landing and in the bedrooms. So trying to keep this place clutter free is a nightmare. What he really needs is a cupboard with shelving, with drawers and doors so everything is out of sight & tidy, he also needs a new bedside cabinet his old one, has given up the ghost and the drawers have collapsed in on themselves... It would help if he didn't chuck everything on the floor or on his window sill. The only new furniture in his bedroom was his wardrobe all the rest we brought from the other house and really it has had its day. You can see by the pictures that I've just taken how bad it is.. I might pop out tomorrow and have a look in a local furniture warehouse to see if they have anything or even the local auction house, you can sometimes pick up some good quality furniture there at a bargain price.

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