Monday 7 January 2008

Blog Lapse..

Apologies to everyone that reads my blog on a daily basis, I've had a bit of a lapse due to the festive session. Will try and update daily again from now on..
Katie left ours yesterday to go home to bonny Scotland. She was actually back in Scotland before Ben got back from Bristol airport after dropping her off. I think she enjoyed herself here. Ben & Katie were out pretty much everyday that she was here. It made quite a change to have a girl around the house.
Katie loved the necklace that Ben brought her from Morgan, while he was in Paris and as promised I've uploaded a picture, couldn't do it before as Katie reads my blog. Thanks Katie for all the pressies... Hope all your bits arrived home safely, especially the dram for your Mum & Dad..
The boys are back to school tomorrow so I asked them to make sure they have all their uniform ready tonight, as I can't bear it in the morning when they've forgotten something and its all a mad dash...

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