Thursday 10 January 2008

Harry's Room...

Well got the other unit together this morning and dismantled Harry's old bedside table. Emptied all the drawers and rearranged his bits in his new unit. It looks so much better in there. Its amazing what a bit of storage can do.. Also tidied up all the mess on the floor and emptied his bin which was stuffed full.
Been down and mucked out the Horses and given all the others some nice dry hay, which Athena promptly rolled in. The weather was horrendous this morning, its dried up a bit now and the sun is trying to peek out from behind the clouds. It poured down all night, so you can imagine how much mud there is outside...
We've started dismantling the old kitchen, just keep your fingers crossed that it all comes out ok...
I'll try and update later....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Debbie
    How are you?
    Where are these terrible pics of me and Ben? I told my mum I would show them to her...hehe
