Thursday 10 January 2008

Cobwebs & Crap....

Started getting out the old kitchen cupboards today, my god you should have seen the crap behind them and the cobwebs, good job I'm not scared of our Arachnoid friends. Have uploaded some pictures of work in progress...
I can't tell you the relief to be finally getting those horrendous tiles of the wall, they've haunted me since we've been here.... The whole kitchen had been very badly thought out, can you imagine having a sink in the middle of the work top but no drainer, where were you supposed to drain your dishes? Plus there was hardly space on the worktop to dish up. It looks like we are going to have to skim the walls, another bodge job we've uncovered, but I have to say its not as bad as I thought it was going to be... Mind you their not all out yet, so will have to see tomorrow whats behind the remainder....

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