Tuesday 14 August 2007

New Items For Ebay.

Well I finally finished the Vegetable boards around 11.45pm last night & I've put them straight on EBay, this morning. These are the finished articles. All the boards I make are totally individual, no two are ever the same.
I'm working on some smaller bits at the moment & hopefully they will be on later this week.
Been waiting for Screwfix to deliver today, but they haven't been yet. Ben came down to Town with me today to post some parcels, while Harry stayed here with his Dad.
Spoke to our friend Helen today, who we used to live next door to, to find out how their move is going. Hopefully it should all be settled by the end of this month. Good Luck in your New Home...
The other news is looks like I'm going to lose some major money on Sheamus! Got no rider to bring him back into work, and he does need work, so will have to take what I can get for him, could really use the money at the moment, still got loads to do on the house.It really sticks in my throat, as the girl that was going to do it has let us down, but there's nothing I can do about it. Just wish she'd said at the start when I wanted him to go.

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