Wednesday 15 August 2007

Busy Day!

Got up early this morning. Went down & mucked the ponies out, then back indoors to do the boys bedrooms and loads of washing (it breeds in that laundry bin). Was just stripping the beds when Rachel & Scarlet turned up, so had a quick cuppa and catch up with them, then they had to go.

Went over the boot sale queens this afternoon and we popped to the cheap shop near her place. Managed to get two plain King Size quilt covers & pillow cases for £10.00 bargain... They've got loads more stuff coming in this week, including quilts. Ben needs a new quilt for his bed, the one he's got has gone completely flat, I think its cause he wraps himself in it like a Mummy..

The photos are of Ben's Double room. Ben wanted a Dragon on his wall, so looked at some designs on the internet & books. He then picked one out which I drew out and then projected it on to the wall, outlined it then painted it free hand. It looks quite effective and Ben's pleased with it. Then at the other end of the room he has his desk, with his tv & Computer on.

1 comment:

  1. i have only seen bens bed side of his room so far (that sounds wrong) but now ive seen all of it! how are you?
    Katie xoxo
