Monday 13 August 2007

Catch Up

Sorry been off line for the last couple of days been engrossed in making miniatures! So far made cabbages, peas in the pod (fiddly little blighters), mushrooms, runner beans. I've also made some little boards containing potatoes being peeled and all the peelings with a small vegetable knife & a few other bits.
Harry had his riding lesson yesterday & his friend Tom came back to ours & stayed the night and all day today, not that I've seen much of them only when they were fed or thirsty. Been watching DVDs & playing on the PlayStation. I told them they needed to go out & get some fresh air & Harry's reply was "its OK Mum we've opened the window".
Ben's been doing his own thing either watching TV or in his room on the computer, listening to music or on the phone. Hi Katie if your reading this.
Off now to go finish up these miniatures & hopefully get them listed on EBay tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Debbie! I got a blogspot, for no apparent reason. I probaby won't use it! Anyways, I thought it'd be nice to talk to here I am...How are you? hope to hear from you soon. Katie xoxo
