Saturday 25 August 2007

Making More Miniatures

Well I've spent the last couple of days making miniatures to sell on EBay. Started off making some Pumpkins, Carrots & Spuds, then went on to make some Swedes, Mushrooms etc, to put on my miniature Vegetable boards. Also filled a little basket to see how that turned out. Every board I do is different no two are ever the same.

I had been bidding on some miniature glass fronted boxes for my Diagon Alley scene, but missed out on them.(The scene, was made by Vic Newey & includes Eyelops Owl Emporium, The Apothecary & Flourish & Blotts. It was made for my 40th Birthday). The lady Angela who made them, emailed me with a second chance offer, which I gratefully accepted. She also makes lovely chopping boards, so emailed her back & asked if she could make me some. Its so hard to get hold of the wood I need up here, whereas before when we lived in Kent, it was a quick trip to the local Craft Superstore. She agreed to make some for me, then I had an email to say her poor husband Jeff had disturbed a Wasps nest and had been badly stung & that he resembled the Elephant man and had spent ages at the hospital, it had put her behind with her orders. Emailed back saying no problem, I was happy to wait. Then got another email to say that she was sending me the boards free of charge, as she felt guilty for being behind with her orders. What a lovely, kind thing for her to do. I've always said that the people you meet in this hobby are wonderful. I will definitely be doing business with her again.

Have put some pictures on of my Mini;s in the making, these are all made by hand, I don't use any moulds, except for a veiner to put the detail on the cabbage leaves.It takes hours of work for a very small return, but its something that I enjoy. I learned to make miniatures by trail & error, after I couldn't get the bits I wanted for my own House, then it grew from there. I now have numerous Dolls Houses, Room Boxes, Shops & Vignettes. I used to do the Dolls House Fairs in the South East, and met some lovely people, but there is nothing like that here. So if any of the Dolls House Fair Organizers are reading this, could you do a fair in South West Wales please?

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