Thursday 23 August 2007

What A Week...

I haven't stopped laughing since Friday afternoon. My Friend Tanya & her two children Ayden & Kiera have been staying with us. Tanya is the most funniest person & seems to be able to make a joke out of anything.

Its been lovely to catch up and do things that we don't normally do, like go to the boot sale & the beach. I felt quite deflated when they left this morning. Have put a couple of pictures of Harry's room on here, so you can see how it turned out.

I've also taken some more pictures of the kitchen. The sink is in & the taps have been connected, the hood over the cooker is up just needs the chimney bit fixing on now. Still loads to do but getting there.
Spoke to Diane this morning, Sheamus is going on Sunday, which is a relief, but I'm gutted we've lost so much money on him.
Put another load of miniatures on EBay yesterday, as it was cheap listing day.

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