Sunday 26 August 2007

Miniature Cheese & Biscuits!!

Was eating some Cheese & Biscuits last night while watching the X Factor (Did you see the Scary Girl From Wales, I nearly peed myself laughing) & thought they'd look quite good in miniature. Thought I'd have a bash at making them this morning.

Made some little round & square biscuits, then gave them a dusting of artist pastel, they've come out ok. Then turned my attention to making some Brie, mixed up a very light cream mixture, then a creamy white skin.Your hands have to be spotless or else every little speck of dust gets into the clay. Best not to wear dark colours. I learnt that from experience. Stippled all over with a very hard bristle brush & finished with a coat of talcum powder. I'm really pleased with the results so far. Going to make some different cheeses like Cheddar, Stilton & Edam. You can see in the picture the lovely Mahogany board that Angela sent me, it really sets of the cheese. Thank you Angela if your reading this.

Got loads more ideas for other items but it takes so long to make everything, hours slip by in a daze. Much to the dismay of the rest of the family.

I tried making a Harvest loaf at 11pm last night, not the best time in the world to concentrate but as a first attempt it turned out ok, even made a little mouse to go on it. The clay was too firm, need to make it much softer next time, so it merges together, this one looks to stiff, pleased with the little Micky though!
Had another lovely email this morning, from a lady called Carol, who has recently brought some of my miniatures, saying how pleased she is with them, its so nice to hear from the people who appreciate the hard work that goes into them. Another Friend gained in the World Of Miniatures. Hi Carol if your reading this.
Harry went for his riding lesson this afternoon and is now riding on his own without a lead rein. Its amazing how quickly he's picked it up and even Nicky says that he has the right posture in the saddle, like he was born to it. It will be lovely when he is confident enough to go out on a hack. I can just see him galloping over the fields.
We moved Min, Athena & Chi Chi in with the other girls yesterday and they seem to have settled down ok now, was a bit worried at first incase Athena got hurt, but Min soon put everyone in their place, she's a very protective Mum.
I don't know whether you the people reading this know, that you can leave comments on my blog. All you have to do is register your email address. It would be great to hear what you think.... There a comment button at the end of each blog.
Off to pop my Miniatures in the oven now and best start on some real grub for dinner......

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