Wednesday 11 July 2007

Sports Day!

Well no painting for me today, went to Harry's Schools Sports Day. Rang Tash(The Boot Sale Queen), this morning to arrange a time to meet in the car park, so we could help her with the little ones. Arrived at the school at 11.45am and then made ourselves comfortable, so that we could watch the kids in their races. Had quite a giggle when I opened the ground sheet for the Kids to sit on & this big spider strolled out. Tash I wish I could have got a picture of your face, I've never seen you move so fast. Brandon & Tyler enjoyed running around and both wore themselves out.

Managed to get some pictures of Lewis, Callum and Harry in their races. This was Harry's last sports day at the junior school as he moves up to senior school in September. I think he was well chuffed when they picked him to be the group captain, he certainly looked after the little ones today. Sports day finally ended at 3.25pm,Its quite a long day for the kids sitting about waiting for their races, but we were lucky with the weather and it stayed warm for them.
Ben went out with James this morning for his work experience, don't suppose we will see him till about 6pm. But good news his passport came today so I don't have to worry about him boarding the internal flight to Inverness, as he now has photographic proof of who he is. Will still get his Validate card for him as will come in useful for him getting on the bus etc,so he can prove his age. Being 6ft 2ins most people think he's either 18 or 19.
Just checked my Ebay and I've got another bid so I'm well pleased.
The pictures on today's blog are Tash,Brandon & Tyler. Brandon out for the count in his pushchair, Harry in one of his races. Harry sitting down with Callum who's holding the blue bottle and their group and Harry standing behind Lewis waiting for the race to start.

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