Tuesday 10 July 2007

More Painting & More Posting's

Had a call last night from Ben's Godfather Steve, to let me know that a really good friend of my Dad's Albert Hider had died on Friday. It's such a shame, the last time I saw him was at my Dad's funeral. Albert was the one who introduced my Mum & Dad all those years ago, and Albert also went to school with my Dad in the East End. It brings it all back & that I've now lost another link to my Mum & Dad.
Ben didn't go to work experience today as James is sick, so I took him up to his school to get his Validate form signed and witnessed by the Deputy Head. Then went into Carmarthen Farmers to buy some Horse food, shavings and Rabbit Food. Popped in the Garden Centre to get Ferret food and then home to start painting again.
Managed to get a coat of emulsion on the walls and paint some of the beams. Need the beams to dry out before I can put another coat of paint on. So it will be more painting tomorrow.
Horsey Karen rang today, she will be getting the ponies ready this week and hopefully will deliver the Stallions next weekend. Also spoke to my friend Di this morning and she is in the Tivy Side show this weekend in the working Hunter class. We will be going to this show as it is local to where we live. Karen's daughter Lisa is also showing there this weekend. Most remember to take my camera as I want to get a picture of Lisa in all her new finery.
Took some more pictures of my miniatures this morning as well,want to list them on Ebay on Thursday as its cheap listing day! Checked my Ebay about 10 minutes ago and I already have some bids. So lets hope the bids increase, as I've started them all at 99p.
Harry's still out on his trip to the Big Pit with the school got to pick him up at 7pm and its his school's sports day tomorrow, bet all the kids will be shattered. Just hoping that the weather stays nice for them tomorrow and it doesn't get cancelled.

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