Thursday 12 July 2007


Cheap listing day on Ebay today so thought I'd put some more miniatures on and see how they do.Got some bids on my other stuff.
Spoke to The Boot Sale Queen this morning, little Brandon's not well today and running a bit of a temperature. It's Lewis's Birthday as well today and Tasha is having 4 of his friends home for tea tonight. Happy Birthday Lewis. I don't envy you tonight Tasha with all those boys running round your house.
Caught up with a few friends last night. Tanya rang and she thinks she will be up around the 18th August for a week, said she may even drive up, now she's got a decent car and not the skip on wheels. Also had a good old chin wag with Sadie who lives up here,who we met through her son Toby. Toby is friends with Harry & are going to Senior School together in September. They have got the most beautiful Siberian Husky Dogs, which are Mick's absolutely favourite breed of dog, but we couldn't have one because of the live stock.Hi Sadie if your reading this.
Got Harry's other friend Paul here this evening, we have him home from school every Thursday evening for tea, then take him to Scouts in Newcastle Emlyn with Harry. Paul's mum then picks them up and brings Harry home in the evening. But next week will be the last time as Paul will be going to a different Senior school in September. Harry & his school friends made the paper again today, picture of his whole class to wish them all well at their new schools. I think its a really lovely thing for the local papers to do, and will definately be going into Harry's Scrapbook, much to his distaste.
Ben's still out with James as I write this so don't know what time he will be in tonight.

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