Monday 27 January 2014

More Birthday Gifts..

 More Birthday presents this time from Ben & Harry, they brought me another two kits from the Petite Properties range, the 1:48th Candlewick House & the 1:144th Flower Pot Cottage. They also brought me a new professional clay extruder, as my old push one seems to have disappeared and a beautiful bunch of Yellow & White Lilies, which are still blooming their hearts out.
The China Mug and Coaster were a joke present from Hubby.
 The Cauldron Fire Pit / Barbecue was a real surprise present, I've wanted one for ages. After getting the Tudor House, I never expected any other presents, so when I walked out to the Kitchen before Dinner and saw this sitting there, I was totally surprised. I can't wait to use it in the Summer.
My Hubby's Parents, gave me some money for my Birthday and I've used that to purchase a Special Miniature, which was made by Vic Newey. It's extra special as Vic, is no longer making. I'll show it in another blog post.
I'd also like to say a huge thank you for the other Gifts & Cards from our friends, Tash & Geoff,  Michael & Michael & Traci & Jon...xxxx


  1. Hello Debbie,
    Hoe lovely! You got some fantastic presents! happy belated birthday, and have fun with your new minis and tools.
    Big hug,

  2. Hi Debbie
    you made out like a bandit! Happy Birthday :)
