Sunday 26 January 2014

Birthday Gifts....

 As you know, I'm working on Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures. Well my friend Debra made and sent me a few little creatures for Desdemona to care for, for my Birthday. They look great in the treatment room. I promise to show some more up to date pictures of the renovations shortly.
The Hat & the Potion bottle were from Michael, who I had the pleasure of meeting at Kensington, last year.
The little Rabbit on the Chair and the teeny tiny little Mouse, were gifts from the wonderful Jain Squires, otherwise known as The Giddy Kipper.
All the Gifts were unexpected pleasures and were much appreciated. As were the lovely cards & emails from other Miniature Friends. 
Thank you all...xxxx


  1. lovely gifts, so much looking forward to seeing your progress on your new project

  2. Hello Debbie,
    Wonderful new accessories. they are all wonderful and well made...such fun and amazing craftsmanship.
    Big hug,

  3. Hello, I just did a little back reading on this project and I love the concept! I do love anything small and fantasy based, looking forward to seeing more ;)

  4. they're going to look great in project :)
