Wednesday 29 January 2014

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 8

 This was the Wash room, that is attached to Desdemona's. I've removed the tools that were hanging on the wall. But left the decoration as is, it has now become the Dragon & Magical Animals treatment room.
As you can see it's filling up nicely, with all manner of Creatures. I need to put some more hooks in the beams, to hang some more cages from.
The Hanging Pendant light has been removed and will be replaced with a flush ceiling, battery operated LED light. 
The Cages were something that I purchased for Eeylops, then painted them to look old and rusty, but they look much better in here and fit the space perfectly between the front wall and the Copper in the corner. There also Dragon Friendly.
I'm really enjoying filling this room with all manner of creatures, which are also starting to filter into the House as well..
So if you hear of any Dragon's or Magical Creatures that need a good home, having been Orphaned or abandoned, or can no longer be cared for. Desdemona will gladly take them in, she never turns any animal in need away.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 7

 Attached to the Wash room, (which is now the Dragon/Creature Room)on Desdemona's is a little lean too Greenhouse.
I cleaned it all out and then started to add Plants from my collection.
I've been trying to design the Garden Layout today and I think may have to build another lean too, as I think this one is too small. There are loads more plants, that I want to add and I just can't squeeze them in here.

 From left to right in the bottom picture, the first plant was made by Christine Verstraete, from Candid Canine, as was the large Mandrake in the corner. Both Tentacle plants, were made by Georgia Marfels.  The Eye-Eye Plant was made by myself & the little Dragon in the crate was made by Nicky CC, the Toadstools were made by Nikki Rowe. The sweet little Gardening Mouse was made by Julie Lawton of Cottagekitty.

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 6

 This was Desdemona's Bedroom, before I got my hands on it. As you can see, the paper was peeling in places and was stained around the window. I've completely stripped all the old paper out and removed the faded Pink curtains. I managed to get the paper on the back wall, out in one piece, so I will be able to use it as a template, for what goes up in there next. The old paper has left a lining paper on the wall, which will make it easier to paint over. Desdemona has requested Dragon Wallpaper for the back wall, but I've not been able to find one, that she is happy with yet. Think I may have to go in a different direction for the paper, instead of Dragons, Owls may be a better option or even Unicorns.  So at the moment the Bedroom is at a standstill, instead I've been working on the outside of the House.

Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures ~ 5

 I've done quite a lot more on Desdemona's, since I last showed it. The Roof on the House, needed a touch up and the strips that represent the lead flashing's. There were also a few torn tiles that I managed to stick back together. I repainted the lead flashing's with a mix of Grey acrylic paint, which I mixed myself to get the look of real lead. I also touched up the tiles with a mixture of different colours to get the effect that I wanted. The third picture down shows the roof before painting. The bottom picture shows the roof after painting, I am quite pleased with the end result, it looks more like real terracotta tiles now. The Chimney stack still needs some attention, but that's another job on the to do list. I'm going to leave the Ridge Tiles as they are, as in a real house, they do break and fall off and if Desdemona has Dragons landing, there's sure to be some damage..

Street Corner by Vic Newey

 Here's the Street Corner made by Vic Newey, that I brought from a Miniaturist Friend, with the money that my Hubby's Parents gave me for my Birthday. Thank you Kath & Mick.
It matches my Diagon Alley, so I'm thrilled to have it, as Vic is not making any more.
The Shop front Sign is currently for the Village Store, but I'll be changing this to fit in with my Diagon Alley Street Scene. I am debating about turning this into Borgin & Burkes, the shop frequented by the Malfoy Family, in Knockturn Alley. The wonderful Beggar Lady, is made by Jain Squires, The Giddy Kipper and looks quite at home propped up by the window.

Monday 27 January 2014

More Birthday Gifts..

 More Birthday presents this time from Ben & Harry, they brought me another two kits from the Petite Properties range, the 1:48th Candlewick House & the 1:144th Flower Pot Cottage. They also brought me a new professional clay extruder, as my old push one seems to have disappeared and a beautiful bunch of Yellow & White Lilies, which are still blooming their hearts out.
The China Mug and Coaster were a joke present from Hubby.
 The Cauldron Fire Pit / Barbecue was a real surprise present, I've wanted one for ages. After getting the Tudor House, I never expected any other presents, so when I walked out to the Kitchen before Dinner and saw this sitting there, I was totally surprised. I can't wait to use it in the Summer.
My Hubby's Parents, gave me some money for my Birthday and I've used that to purchase a Special Miniature, which was made by Vic Newey. It's extra special as Vic, is no longer making. I'll show it in another blog post.
I'd also like to say a huge thank you for the other Gifts & Cards from our friends, Tash & Geoff,  Michael & Michael & Traci & Jon...xxxx

Sunday 26 January 2014

Birthday Gifts....

 As you know, I'm working on Desdemona's Home For Orphaned & Abandoned Dragons & Other Magical Creatures. Well my friend Debra made and sent me a few little creatures for Desdemona to care for, for my Birthday. They look great in the treatment room. I promise to show some more up to date pictures of the renovations shortly.
The Hat & the Potion bottle were from Michael, who I had the pleasure of meeting at Kensington, last year.
The little Rabbit on the Chair and the teeny tiny little Mouse, were gifts from the wonderful Jain Squires, otherwise known as The Giddy Kipper.
All the Gifts were unexpected pleasures and were much appreciated. As were the lovely cards & emails from other Miniature Friends. 
Thank you all...xxxx