Saturday 1 June 2013

Kensington Dollshouse Festival ~ Part 2

Kensington, seems ages ago now, but I have finally got round to taking some decent photographs of the miniatures, I brought on the day. I had a list of things I wanted in my head, but this first purchase definitely wasn't one of them.
I'd like to introduce you to Mr Mole.
I saw him and fell totally in Love with this dear little Creature and he just had to come home with me. He sits next to a fallen Tree, that is covered in Ferns, Flowers & Lichen. Mr Mole is not stuck to the base and can be removed or placed in different positions.
Its a lovely stand alone piece, made by Sue Wilkes of Shoebutton Bears.
Sue had also made, some lovely little Badgers, I now wish, I had brought one of those as well. 
We have real Moles & Badgers where we live, although I'm not in Love with the real Moles, as they leave huge Mole Hills, all over the fields.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot stand the real moles in my yard that will and do eat flower bulbs. However I absolutely love this one! He is adorable!
