Friday 24 May 2013

Kensington Dollshouse Festival 2013 ~ Part 1

For Christmas my Sons Ben & Harry, brought me weekend tickets, for the Kensington Dollshouse Festival, in Kensington, London.
I travelled down to London on the Friday and was eventually met at the Coach Station, after much hilarity by Nikki, Kat, Wendie, Joolz, Janice & Carlanne, they got  totally confuddled, as to where I actually was.  They'd all already been celebrating in the Hotel Bar. But what a fabulous surprise, to meet everyone at once. We then all travelled back to the Hotel, via the Shakepeare Pub for a swift one. Yes, there are lots of pictures of us all, but we have sworn a pact, not to put them on the web.
That evening the whole group of us, met up with Julie & Jain for a meal, before the Show on the Saturday.
On the Saturday morning our little KDF Crew, also met up with Michael, who accompanied our rowdy little group to the Show. Our first port of call was to see Julie & Jain. Their display was fabulous, but by the time we had gotten through the doors, lots of their Dolls had already sold. I've since heard, that their joint display won the KDF Cup. Congratulations to you both, well deserved.
I also managed to catch up with lots of Friends in person,  I haven't seen for age's who were exhibiting, including the lovely Doreen & Bob.
We also meet up with some more friends at the Show, Chrissey, Helen & Karen, who joined us on the Saturday evening for a lovely meal in the Hotel. Where we all wore Tiara's and for some reason I ended up, at the end of the evening with some strange man,  holding my hand & serenading me in the Restaurant. That did make us laugh. He thought we were all on a Hen Night..
I really enjoyed meeting everyone and had a fantastic time at the show, so much to see and some fabulous miniatures on show and for sale. Think we all could have done with winning the lottery, before we went.
Will be back later to show you what I brought...


  1. It was such a fun weekend andl ovely to spend time with you and The KDF Crew xx

  2. Just a teeny tiny pang of envy...but I am overjoyed that you had so much fun :o)
    minihugs, Rosanna

  3. Glad to hear you have settled back at home after your travels. It was great fun to meet up with everyone with the added bonus of the show on Saturday.
    I bet it felt like you had been away for ages!

  4. it was lovely to see you in london debbie, glad you had a fun time and wish i could have spent more time with you !
    julie xxx

  5. I'd love to go to this someday, it looks amazing!
