Sunday 3 March 2013

Honeydukes Sweet Shop ~ Update

I've just been looking through the photographs on here, of my Honeydukes Sweet Shop and realized that I haven't shown any of the updated photographs. I thought I'd put them on here, but I'd only put them in my albums on Facebook.
Honeydukes, is still an ongoing project. There is still quite a lot to do in there. But it's coming along nicely.  I've been hunting down, my Sludge Fudge for months, my name for it and actually found it in my crate of Fimo, the other day. That still needs to be displayed and another counter need to be painted and put together.
I've also brought a length of moulding to go around the top of the box, to make a shelf. Which I'll also use to display stuff on...
These pictures show how it is at the moment...


  1. This shop is fantastic and everything looks realistic and sweet. It's a shop for me!
    Bye Faby

  2. Un trabajo realmente impresionante.

  3. Im glad you posted updates on the shop :) I don't have FB anymore since that draw Mohammad incident got us all hacked and death threats from Al Quida.

  4. Love your shop, everything looks great, thanks for sharing the photos.

  5. How sweet! I've been waiting to see more of your miniatures. :D
    This shop is lovely. I love it!

  6. Qué minucioso y perfecto trabajo!
