Monday 18 February 2013

Little Monster...

Been meaning to show you some of my new acquisitions, since Christmas!
Bad, bad blogger that I am.
I've always admired Alicia Singleton's lovely little Alliebean Doll's, especially her little Monsters. I was captivated the first time, I saw one picking its nose, I know its gross, but so, so cute, but I've never been lucky enough to get one. I've always been too late. Just before Christmas, I happened to see Alicia's post, on her facebook, about some little Reindeer's, that she would be putting in her Etsy Shop.  I hightailed it over there pretty sharpish and was lucky enough to secure one of the five that Alicia, was making.
Alicia, contacted me and asked what I wanted my little Reindeer to look like. I asked for his tongue to be sticking out. Then I saw that Alicia, had also put a little Monkey in her Ebay shop, so I popped over to have a look, and low and behold, there in her Ebay listings, was a little Monster, on a buy it now. Well I didn't need to think about it twice and brought him. Mick gave me the money for the purchases, for Christmas (Reindeer) and my Birthday (Monster). Alicia, put them both in the same package. I am absolutely delighted with them. They are currently sitting together in my Glass cabinet, so that I can admire them, but I do have an idea for the little Monster.
I also fell in love, with the beautifully painted Polka Dot bowls, by Nikki. I do love Polka Dots. Nikki, also had some lovely Toadstool Cake stands, so treated myself to one of those as well. I also had some wonderful miniature gifts, from Nikki for Christmas. I'll show you them later.
Just to let you all know that Nikki, has recently opened a shop over on Folksy. Its very similar to Etsy, but is UK based.


  1. Your little monster is adorale.
    Bye Faby

  2. Debbie I'm going to have to find a photo online of that doll on a booger hunt! LOL. Good luck with your new presents! They look sharp!
