Monday 18 March 2013

Nimbus 2000

A few weeks ago over on Facebook. Rob Worthington of Magical Miniatures, had a give away on his Facebook page, to win a Miniature version of a Nimbus 2000. All you had to do was like the page and share on your own page. Which I did, never thinking in my wildest dreams that I'd win.
But Win I did and the Broom arrived last week.
Rob, has his own Web site & Etsy shop, where you can see and purchase his miniature creations. Rob is also a member of Artisans In Miniature. Just look at Draco's Broom and the Quidditch Set, which I adore.
On Saturday, I managed to get some decent pictures to show you all. As you can see it looks right at home, with the other pieces in my collection. The Doll in the pictures is by Joy Cox of Adora Bella Minis, the Witches Hat on the stand is by Kat  & the Pumpkins with the flowers are by Lory. The Broom will eventually reside in my Diagon Alley, but for the moment it's in the Glass Cabinet, where I can look at it..

Friday 15 March 2013

Wheels, Cogs & Watch Parts

A long, long time ago in Blogland, I wrote a post about Watch parts. I wanted a few wheels and cogs to build an Orrery, for Diagon Alley. Well Grace from Treefeathers, who makes beautiful miniature books, kindly sent me some. They have languished, in my to do drawer for ages, well years actually. Ben borrowed them for a project, he was working on and I finally got them back, last weekend. So this week, I decided to have a go at taking the watches to pieces. Easier said then done, but I've managed to remove quite a few of the cogs and wheels from the main body of the Watches. The more you look at them, you can see how decorative they are and to think they are hidden away in a Watch case. Some of the cogs are tiny.
I also purchased some Laser cut wooden cogs, from a shop on Ebay, to use in my Scrapbooks & on my decorated boxes. The person who sells them, also sells lots of other Laser cut pieces. I have some beautiful Keys and Escutcheon plates from the same seller. They would look fabulous in Steampunk Crafts. I need to get some thick metal wire or tubing, before I start putting everything together. But at least I can see what I've got now...

Thursday 14 March 2013

Miniature Books

I've been making some miniature books, over the last week. I'm really pleased, with how they are turning out. The Beige Leather is a tester, I've made a few mistakes with this one. But, its all a learning curve and I'll do it differently next time.
The top photograph of the beige leather book, is actually the book in the bottom photograph. Wonderful what some ink can do.  It measures 3cm x 2.5cm. The Hinges, were cut from Black card, then painted and then antiqued, to look like old Brass. I hand cut, a recess into the middle of this book and lined it. Not the best of photographs, the lining, looks bright Pink, but its not. It will hold a secret of some kind, but not sure what yet. The Edges of the pages were gilded, be give them an old fashioned look.
I'm working on another book at the moment, which I'll show you once its finished.
These pictures were taken on my phone, so my not be as crisp, as my photographs taken on my Camera.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Honeydukes ~ Update 2

After showing you all, the updated pictures of Honeydukes. I did a bit more work on it, on Monday and took some more pictures to show you all.
I've also been making some Sugar Mice, but they are not finished yet and looking at the original pictures from the Film, there are some other Sweets that I need to make, like the Non Melting Ice cream and Skull candy...

Sunday 3 March 2013

Honeydukes Sweet Shop ~ Update

I've just been looking through the photographs on here, of my Honeydukes Sweet Shop and realized that I haven't shown any of the updated photographs. I thought I'd put them on here, but I'd only put them in my albums on Facebook.
Honeydukes, is still an ongoing project. There is still quite a lot to do in there. But it's coming along nicely.  I've been hunting down, my Sludge Fudge for months, my name for it and actually found it in my crate of Fimo, the other day. That still needs to be displayed and another counter need to be painted and put together.
I've also brought a length of moulding to go around the top of the box, to make a shelf. Which I'll also use to display stuff on...
These pictures show how it is at the moment...