Thursday 14 March 2013

Miniature Books

I've been making some miniature books, over the last week. I'm really pleased, with how they are turning out. The Beige Leather is a tester, I've made a few mistakes with this one. But, its all a learning curve and I'll do it differently next time.
The top photograph of the beige leather book, is actually the book in the bottom photograph. Wonderful what some ink can do.  It measures 3cm x 2.5cm. The Hinges, were cut from Black card, then painted and then antiqued, to look like old Brass. I hand cut, a recess into the middle of this book and lined it. Not the best of photographs, the lining, looks bright Pink, but its not. It will hold a secret of some kind, but not sure what yet. The Edges of the pages were gilded, be give them an old fashioned look.
I'm working on another book at the moment, which I'll show you once its finished.
These pictures were taken on my phone, so my not be as crisp, as my photographs taken on my Camera.


  1. Wow, your books look beautiful:))
    I have to make some books too to fill the bookcase I still have to make:)

  2. Hello Debbie,
    Those book are wonderful. You did an incredible job.
    Big hug,

  3. They are lovely! Where will you put them ?

  4. You are crazy. These are amazing.

  5. I'm trying to make books also but totally different. Yours are wonderful, great job.

  6. Hi Debbie,they are SO good!!!

  7. Que bonitos te han quedado. Saludos.

  8. Hi Debbie! Your mini leather books are outstanding! You have made the spines and the pages soooo beautiful and they look good lying flat or standing upright, singly or stacked together. Just wonderful!

