Friday 1 October 2010

The Leaky Cauldron... No The Leaky Chimney..

Today, the scaffolding went up on the side of our House. I've been waiting for this to happen for months. Unfortunately, we have a couple of problems with our Chimney.
The first being that it is leaking water, straight down the wall in my Bedroom. As you can see in the photographs, not only has it affected the lovely new plaster, that is on the walls, but also the Coving, which has now parted company with the wall. Which also means any creepy crawlies, from the loft can also get through the crack. (If you click on the pictures, they will pop up bigger). The previous owners of the House had also had a problem with water getting in, and we had been assured that it had been rectified, but as you can see it obviously wasn't. The other problem is that in the boys sitting room, we have a lovely log burner fitted. But because the opening in the Chimney is so big, the smoke is only getting so far up the Chimney and then its coming back and filling the log burner with Smoke. So we now have a qualified fitter, coming to put a new flue down the Chimney, to join up with the flue on the log burner. The Chimney as is, is going to be taken down completely and a new Chimney put up. Hopefully, no more leaky bedroom and a log burner that we will be able to use this winter. I'm also hoping that I will be able to complete the pointing while the scaffolding is up, which got delayed last year, when I ended up in Hospital.
Once all the work is completed outside, we are going to redecorate our bedroom and maybe I'll be able to finally hang some of my pictures on the wall..


  1. Gosh, you do need to get this sorted out! It looks and sounds horrendous! We've had problems with both chimney stacks and flues...mighty awful combination!

    I bet you can't wait to get all your photo's etc up! :o))

    Michelle xxx

  2. You will certainly need to have this done if the weather continues in this vein all through the winter.

    It is so wet here I have been feeding four confused ducks in my tiny town garden today!

    Good luck with it all.

  3. That looks like a proper...mess. I am sure you'll be happy to get that completed before the Winter.

  4. I am glad you got it fixed. What a nightmare home owning can be at times. Still...What a gorgeous house! I love the stone... and brick. Maybe you will share the front of it with us in another picture.

  5. Debbie your house is wonderful and this winter you'll enjoy it even more with all the damages mended. Thank you for the funny mails, I appreciate them very much :o) Hugs Rosanna

  6. Good luck with your repair jobs Debbie! I hope they get that new flue set up quickly so you can make use of your log burner.

  7. Espero que se resuelva todo antes de las lluvias y el frio.
    Seguro que la habitación quedará perfecta con los cuadros colgados y sin problemas de agua.
    Besos Clara

  8. Im going through the exact same thing only ours is located near the stairs and leaks all the way into the basement. you guessed it the entire wall fell right onto the stairs. I was so afraid that someone would fall to their death into the basement
