Friday 1 October 2010

Julie Lawton....

Julie Lawton is better known as Little Characters or more recently Cottage Kitty Miniatures.
Julie has been making miniatures for the last 10 years and has been an exhibitor at Miniaturia and Kensington Dolls House Festival. Julie specialized in Tiny Tudor Mice. Julie very kindly allowed me to use her pictures to show you all. I Love the little Mice. Julie still makes her little characters to order. If your interested in a Little Character, please contact Julie direct.
I recently brought some tiny little Bird Skulls, and a tiny little book from Julie for Diagon Alley. Julie also made me a lovely little Witch shaped hat pin stand. Which will go into my Witches Hat Shop when I eventually get round to making it. I really struggled to get a good picture of this to share, its really tiny.
Julie's is currently selling her miniatures in her her Etsy Shop and on Ebay.
Please pop over to Julie's blog and say Hi...


  1. I have bought lots of tings from Julie lately after discovering her items on Ebay.
    I was lucky enough to win a dragon's skull and it is wonderful.
    I love finding new people and Julie is a delight too.

  2. Debbie, great post I love the fairy crown! How cool is that! Dragon skull now that does sound cool. Julie thank you also for my goodies and for all your emails. Nice to have a new friend :-)

  3. Wow!! How have I missed these amazing minis? Thanks so much for the link, Debbie!! :)

  4. She is really good! I love her minis, but I had no idea she made these adorable mice!!!! OMG, I LOVE them!!!!

  5. Si, Julie trabaja muy bien. Gracias por la dirección.
    Besos Clara

  6. These are so coll! And timely. Thanks
    Are you at Minatura?CM
