Tuesday 14 September 2010


Apologies for the late Welcome. Some more followers have joined the throng they are:-

Christine who's blog is called Hollyhock Cottage - A Miniature Home In the 1940's.
Veselina, who's blog is called Vesper Miniatures, her miniature food is beautiful. She also has an Etsy shop.
Prince, who again I can't find any information on.
Lisa Hjulberg, who has a few blogs, so I've given the link to her profile, so you can peruse her blogs at your leisure.
laprincesasarita who again I can't find any information on.
Birgitta from Sweden who's blog is called Kul Kort Och Kort Om Kul.
Teresa who's blog is called This And That Miniatures And Life. Lots of Minis in this blog.
Sara Scales who's blog is called Minidreamz. Sara is also a member of AIM.
Kristina who's blog is called Kristina Bears. Kristina has recently made some beautiful mini boxes that she listed in her Etsy Shop.
Jenya who's blog is called Knotty By Nature. Some beautiful minis on here.
Alexander, who has a few blogs, so I've given the link to his profile.
Beatrice who's blog is called Les Miniatures De Beatrice. Beatrice is also a member of CDHM & AIM.
Barbara who's blog is called B-ijouxart. This blog is filled with Fantasy Sculpts, jewellery and lots more. I really like the little Pea Pod Troll.
Last but not least is Belen, who's blog is called El Taller De Belen. Lots of Mini's on here.
As always please pop over and say Hi....

On the home front, I've had the results back from the Super Duper blood tests and I haven't got Cushings Syndrome. I went back to the GP's surgery this morning, to discuss the results. Our family Doctor, was going to refer me to a Renal Specialist, but having looked through all the results, the only option left would be to have a Kidney Biopsy. Which means sticking a dirty great big needle into the Kidney and removing a piece. He said, that under the circumstances with everything else that is going on with me, that it's not such a great idea. He's had a letter back from the Consultant Cardiologist about the double Catheter test, and I'm just waiting for the appointment to go back into Hospital. One of the things they think it could be is that the Pericardial Sac that surrounds the Heart has tightened. This can then stop the sac expanding properly as the Heart Beats. So if the Heart hasn't got enough room, within the Sac to expand, this can cause fluid build up throughout the body. It does mean, if it is this, that they will have to open up my chest again. Unfortunately, there are some other nasty's going on with my body at the moment, which I'm waiting to go into hospital for as well. Still at least I'm still smiling. Well just...

Harry has returned to School and has already come home with a certificate for outstanding work in Drama. Well done Harry, keep it up. I've always said he'd make a brilliant actor..LOL
Ben is off to University next week. He is really looking forward to it. I'm going with him tomorrow to the University Open Day. It's his Birthday on Friday and Courtney is coming to stay from Thursday. Lets just say his Birthday Gifts are based around his new life at Uni...(including some Flash and cleaning clothes).. LOL

On the mini front, I still haven't finished the little Owls I've been working on. Hopefully, I might get some stuff done next week.


  1. Veselina thank you for your comment. I've updated your link information.xx

  2. It must be really tireing not to know what is wrong with your health for such a long time. Still I hope the doctors will find the reason and the solution to cure and help you soon! My preyers are with you :)
    And of course congrats to Harry!:)

  3. Oh Debbie :o( it just seems like you'll never get a definitive answer! I do hope you feel better soon. (((hugs)))

  4. Sorry to hear that things are still not resolved, lets hope they find the cause soon and without any more nasty ops. Sending a big get well hug.

    Congrats and well done to Harry :0)

    Good luck, work hard and have a fab time in uni to Ben :0) and happy birthday for friday.

    Julia xx

  5. It must be so frustrating for you Debbie, I hope they find out what's wrong soon & they get it all sorted for you.
    Take care, Hugs,

  6. Ah Debie, things are dragging on so long. Glad to hear they've ruled out Cushing's (do NOT get a kidney bx...ew.) I pray that this all gets sorted out for you very soon. Much love sent your way.

  7. Hi Debbie, Thank you for the welcome and I am so sorry to hear about your health problems. I know the frustration of not finding anything wrong while your immune system is collapsing around you, so all I can say is try and keep your spirits up and get what joy you can from the good moments. (I'm sure you are doing that anyway)

  8. Debbie, its good that you give us the heads up on the results every now and then. Sometimes, it is a process of elimination before we really know what's wrong . As always, hang in there, Debbie.

  9. Oh Debbie, I sure wish you could get an anwser....Sometimes I think not knowing is half the battle. It's scary. Please keep us posted, and I wish the best for you!
    Big HUgs!!


  10. Hi Debbie, a totaly unrelated question, but i just noticed you have many tears rescue listed on your site, do you have a pet from them? After 10 years our german shepherd died last year and although we said we were not having another i missed her so bad that we started to look for a resue dog and ended with many tears and 3 days before christmas did a 12 hour round trip to collect holly. her picture is on my blog. anyhow just thought id ask, hope thats ok

    Sara x:o)
