Saturday 4 September 2010

Happy Birthday Nikki....

Just a quick post to wish my Dear Friend Nikki, from over on Witch and Wizard Miniatures a very Happy Birthday today.
Hope you have lovely day Nikki, Love from All Of Us..xxxx

(Sorry Nikki, but I couldn't resit borrowing your Cat picture)....LOL

I'd also like to wish Callum a very Happy Birthday today. Hope you get lots of pressies..xxxx


  1. HAPPY BIRTHAY Nikki from all of us at the Lyon's household. I have to say that cat pic is my fave LOL Hope you have a great day chickpea.

    OOOOOOber LOrra Luffies

    Debie xxxxxxxxxx

  2. Happy Birthday Nikki, I didn't know it was your special day today heres lots of hugs and witchy wishes to you xxxxxxxx

    P.S you look great as a cat ha ha ha!

  3. I didnt know either! Happy happy birthday to a wonderful friend, have a fantastic day Nikki. Happy birthday to Callum too , have a fab time! Lots of Love Kate and all the gang xxxxxxxx

  4. Happy birthday dear Nikki, I wis you a very happy and fun day. hugs Rosanna

  5. Happy birthday Nikki.....have a wonderful day :-)) mini hugs

  6. HAPPY BRTHDAY Nikki!!!

    I love those photos!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you too Callum!!!

  7. HAPPY BRTHDAY Nikki!!!

    I love those photos!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you too Callum!!!

  8. Happy birthday Nikki, I hope you have a fantastic day!!!

    Love the photo's!

    Happy birthday Callum too!

    Michelle xxx

  9. Hope you have a wonderful birthday Nikki! Those photos are great!!! I LOVE the cat one, rofl.

  10. Thank you Debbie.
    Had a lovely day too and lots of treats.
    I don't mind peeps seeing the cat picture, have a bad habit of sticking kyself in holes, lol. Got to stop doing it i know.
    Much love to you, Nikki xxx

  11. Happy Birthday to Nikki and Callum from all of us too :0)
    Julia xxx

  12. I just love Nikki's Blue Eyes! So dreamy! ...and that cat pic Is sooo cute! Happy Birthday Nikki:)

  13. Hey thought I'd say hi Debbie...and happy B-Day to Nikki, I don't get over here much. Thanks for dropping by my blog and say'n Hi! Love those pics wish I knew how to do that!
