Thursday 23 September 2010

Nearly There... Good Luck Ben...

I've been so busy this week, trying to get everything ready for Ben starting University tomorrow. We've only just finished packing the cars, ready for an early start in the morning. I did laugh when Ben thought he'd get everything in his car. Its been like starting a new home, I can't believe the amount of stuff they need to take with them, from the very basic stuff like salt, up to bedding, saucepans, etc.
I popped into Carmarthen, to get the remainder of the things we had forgotten today. Once we have his room sorted tomorrow, I'm going to take him food shopping, although I've already packed two boxes with cupboard stuff including Salt, Pepper, tins of Soup, Pasta, cereal, washing powder etc. I've also got him some stuff in our fridge, so must remember to put them in the car in the morning. Luckily, Ben is only going to approximately, an hour away from home up the coast. So if we have forgotten anything, we can soon get it to him.
He found out today, that one of the boys from his School, is also starting there tomorrow and is also in the Student Village where Ben is. So they have arranged to meet up tomorrow night.
I'm sure he will settle in OK, and we wish him all the Luck in the world, as he sets out on his new path and every success with his studies. The House will certainly be strange without him and I know we will all miss him.

On the miniature front, I've got quite a few things to show, and I managed to snag a fabulous Halloween miniature in TKMaxx as well today. Which I can't wait to show you all, but just haven't had time to photograph.
I also received my copy of DHMS, yesterday and my friend Kat, has written a brilliant article in there, with tutorials, so make sure you get a copy.
Off to bed now as early start tomorrow...xxxx


  1. Very best of luck to Ben! I'm several decades 'late' doing the uni thing but I wouldn't have missed it for the world!!

  2. Good luck to Ben. What a big day! Hug for you Debbie. Kim

  3. Good luck to you Ben! Have a grand time and don't study too hard!

  4. Good luck Ben! I wish you you all the best, the fun and the hard work but it is worth having.

  5. Best of luck to Ben! I'm sure you'll be putting a lot of mileage on the car making that hour drive to make sure he is well stocked Debbie :)

  6. Have a blast, Ben! It's a whole new world out there.

    To paraphrase Mark Twain: "Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

  7. All the best to Ben , hope you cope ok too Debbie, I know hes close by but theres still a loss of them being there thats hard to get used to! Kate xxxx

  8. Good luck Ben! Hope you enjoy uni!

  9. What a wonderful time he'll have, I remember when I went off to college

    aaaahhh the memories :)

  10. Heaps of good luck Ben!! I loved study and I'm sure you will too!

    My Nephew goes to Uni on Sunday and he's 19 too.Sadly his parents live in Luxembourg, but he has his grandparents near by if he's in need! :o))

    Safe journey!
    Michelle xx

  11. Good luck Ben! I wish you you all the best,
    hopefully you are not to sad Debbie!
    hugs Marja

  12. Debs he will have a great time. When Courtney moved from uni digs to uni digs it was 2 - 3 car loads LOL. He will be fine.

    Lorra Luffies

    Debie xxxxxxxxxx

  13. I hope he has as much fun as mine have had and maybe along the way learn a little more than he does already!

    Enjoy the peace, he will be back before you have done half of the jobs you thought you would!!!

  14. Good luck with University Ben - I'm sure you'll be fine, especially with your super supportive family not too far away.
