Sunday 26 September 2010

He's There... & Thank You...

Friday was the big day for Ben, moving to the Student Village at Aberystwyth University. He was booked in for 10am, to pick up his Key and get his room allocation, in one of the Student Houses in the Student Village. He was just praying, that he didn't get the smallest room in the house. Especially with his 6ft 3in frame. There are 6 students sharing in his house, four in rooms upstairs and two downstairs. He's in one of the downstairs room's. Which he is quite happy about, as its right near to the kitchen and the Shower Room and Toilet. There is another Bathroom and toilet upstairs. The rooms all have a single Bed, bedside cabinet, built in Wardrobe, Desk and Chair, a large bookcase mounted on the wall over the desk and a big Pin Board. Forgot to take a picture of his room. Mind you with the amount of stuff we took in there, it looked a mess, until we started putting stuff away. While Ben & Mick were sorting out his PC, Harry & I was in the communal Kitchen, cleaning the cupboards, worktops, sink and fridge. So glad I took a large bottle of flash with us and plenty of cleaning cloths. Although it was clean in there, everything felt sticky. It was squeaky clean, by the time we'd finished and smelt lovely.
We then put some of his bits into one of the cupboards, the rest of his dry food and tinned stuff are in plastic crates under his bed. The Fridge and Freezer is communal, so the six of them have to share the space. While we were there we popped to the Supermarket to stock him up with Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and some fresh meat, bag of Chips and frozen veggies for the freezer.
I spoke to him yesterday, to see how he's settled in and he said that there are now four Boys (inc Ben) and two Girls in his house. But only Ben and one of the Girl's knows how to cook! LOL Looks like Ben might be giving lessons, he does a mean stir fry. He seems to have hit it off with his House mates and they've already been in the Student Union for a drink. His friend Sam from School in in the House opposite, so its all good. Ben has his first lectures on Friday for Criminology.
I'd also like to say a huge Thank you to everyone that left comments for Ben, on my previous post, the emails we received, the phone calls and the Good Luck Cards. He really appreciated them


  1. Glad to hear that hes is there Debs and settling in ok.

    Lorra Luffies

    Debie xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Ben seems very well placed in his new home out of home. i'm sure he will have a lot of fun. And you live close by. Hugs Rosanna

  3. Glad he's settled in, I wonder how long the worktops will remain squeeky clean though? LOL

  4. i'm sure he'll have fun...i did this whole same thing for my daughter last year and yes i cleaned the kitchen too lol Linda x

  5. Dont clean too well Debbie or they'll be after you visiting Ben most weekends just to keep the place tip top !! Glad hes settled in ok, hope he loves it, such a step in life.....for you all! Kate xx

  6. Such exciting times!! Looks like he's all settled in and ready to have lots of fun-- Oh! I mean study!

  7. Le village d'étudiant semble très sympathique .Ha ... le ménage ...chez les jeunes .

  8. Cualquier detalle nos interesa a las madres. Somos así :)
    Nos preocupamos por todo y nos alegra que esten bien.
    Besos Clara

  9. I wish him well in this venture! :)

  10. Deb, It is so great to see where Ben is settled and nice to hear that it is only an hour from you! It is a big transition having our children move on. Congrats to you MOM on a job well done! One down and one to go!!
