Friday 18 June 2010

The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter...

Well it's finally opened in Florida USA, The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter. Here's a News Report on the opening and also a blog called Mickey Ears & Magic Wands, has also written about the experience.
It sounds by the reports, that it is an amazing experience and wouldn't it be wonderful to walk the Village of Hogsmeade and browse in all the shops. See the Castle and ride the rides.
But I still think, it should have been built in the United Kingdom. Just think what it would have done for the Tourist Industry over here, and the jobs it would have created. I just can't imagine Harry Potter with a Americanised accent, it will be like Dick Van Dyke, in Mary Poppins all over again. And lets face it how many British, Harry Potter fans, will be able to afford to travel to the U.S.A?. Here's one that can't, well maybe, if I win the Lottery.


  1. I want to go there soooo bad. Lets go Debbie :) Hugs~ Kim

  2. I don't do the theme parks here in the summer so it'll be a while before I go. Interesting that there is an implied weight restriction on the "Forbidden Journey".... I'm a little surprised to hear that.

  3. I know a place where you can stay in Orlando if you decide to go! :D
    I'm sure my son and his wife would love to have visitors from the UK!

  4. Heres another that cant afford it nor would want to fly there either, dont like flying, unless by broom of course!I agree it should have been in the Uk but maybe JK knew shed get more money doing it in the US because of visitors going to Florida/ Disney evc adding it to their trip, shes not daft! Kate xxx

  5. If it was in UK then I would be able to afford to go there too:) But U.S.A is beyond my reach :(

  6. Maybe they will build one in the UK as well? That would nice for everyone to get a chance to go. I live in the US, but won't be able to afford to go to FL any time soon. It does look like a blast though!

  7. it does sound exciting, but if I ever make it to the USA I've got a list as long as my arm of things I want to do and Harry Potter and theme parks don't feature on that list. If they brought an equivalent to the UK I might be tempted to go with my girls.

    Nice to dream though.

  8. I was at Universal Studios during April and I could see the Harry Potter exhibit from outside, but it wasn't open yet. Got some great shots from outside though. Wish I could have gotten to see it as well, so close, but oh so far away!!

  9. Dick Van Dyke did a horrid job with his excuse for an accent in Mary Poppins. I agree the park should have been built in the UK. Especially since the ad of HP will likely wear off here more quickly.

  10. Oh, I hope that they do build one in the UK for you Deb! It does seem strange that they didn't build it in the UK. It must have been a better business decision to build in Orlando where people with families, from all over the world flock to anyway.
    I'm way on the other side of the country, so unfortunately it's expensive for me too. The other night my aunt and I decided to save up for the trip and go next year with my sister and her children. It's going to be tough to save up, but I think it will be worth it!
    PS: Don't dis Dick! ((giggle)) He's actually quite goofy and endearing in that role, to us over here. :)

  11. Everyone should please remember that it is a small park within a larger park....Universal's Islands of Adventure. It is not a large park itself like Disney's Magic Kingdom. I would hate for people to make the trip just to see this and find out it is very small indeed.

  12. Tabitha thanks for that I think I and lots of other people in the UK, are under the impression that this was a full sized park dedicated to the little Wizard. I don't feel so bad now missing out...x

  13. Naw, Deb...don't feel bad. You've got real castles and charming villages. I can easily pass up Universal's fantasy for a trip to England... Someday.


  14. ohhh i want to go!!!
    If it was in UK then I would be able to afford to go there too But U.S.A is beyond my reach ...
    Oh, I hope that they do build one in the UK ..
    Hugs Marja

  15. I saw the opening on the news yesterday and thought of you All! It looks amazing! ...but you know, I couldn't afford it either, so when I win the lottery....we'll all go...Cause I definitly need someone Smart there with me to explain everything to me:) It's too freakin HOT in Flordia to enjoy it anyways...It definitly should of been built somewhere colder!!!
