Thursday 17 June 2010

Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick, Chicken...

Well it was definitely, a case of Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick, Chicken lay a little egg for me this morning.
But there was nothing little about this one!!!!!.
Mick, had been in the Hen House this morning to get the Eggs, from the two little Warren's that we have. He came back indoors and said to me, "One of those Chicken's, has got really blood shot eyes". Then he laughed and opened his hands, to reveal this Giant sized egg. Poor Chook, I bet her bottom was stinging, trying to squeeze that out.
I think its got to be a double Yolk! I'll let you know when I use it.


  1. Ha ha ha:D Poor hen! Lucky you! :D

  2. lol Gosh! It must be a twin yolk!

    Michelle xxx

  3. Blimey Debs thats some egg ROFL.

    Debie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Oh! That poor little hen!
    Liberty wants to boil that egg up for breakfast! I think it would keep her going all day.

  5. wow! i wonder what fresh eggs taste like!

  6. Por wee thing! I would like to be in her shoes...well, feathers. Have a nice day,hugs Rosanna

  7. Ouch!! give the poor wee lass some extra feed!!

  8. Ouch! Poor chicken that laid that one! Bet she's laying up somewhere with relief, lol!
    Nikki xxx

  9. Great eggs! You can do a beautiful omelet.

  10. Ouch...poor chicky. That is one huge egg. Enjoy !

  11. Mick is too funny! That's one big egg.....isn't nature curious?!

  12. that takes me back to a delivery of a 8lb 12 oz baby girl who fought the whole way into the world! ouch!! Great Post. Christel

  13. Debbie, are you sure that's not a dragon egg? Looks suspect to me....Set it by the fireplace and see what hatches.

  14. que le da usted de comer, jajajaja, pobre gallina.
    aunque a usted le saldrá una buena tortilla.
    un abrazo

    That him gives you of poor hen eats, jajajaja.
    Though a good tortilla will go out for you.
    An embrace

  15. Yum, I love eggs! Sorry for the poor chicken though!

  16. OOOh I had one of mine lay a 3" long egg last year, it wasnt a double yolker either :o( hope she hasnt got a sore bum!!!
    funny things arent they !
