Saturday 12 June 2010

Welcome.. Over 480 now

I have been remiss and not Welcomed some new followers, who have joined me in the last couple of weeks.
A very big Welcome to you all..
They are:-
Ele B who's blog is called Ele B Miniatures and Crafts.
Dreamkeeperfae who's blog is called Misty Mountains. The blog is filled with the most wonderful, whimsical sculpted miniature animals and accessories.
Daydreamer who's blog is called About My Doll Houses. Lots of wonderful pictures of a renovation project, on here.
Julie who I can't find any information on, but is following a few Miniature blogs. Julie if you have a blog, please let me know and I'll share your link.
Julie S who again I can't find any information on. Julie please let me know if you have a blog.
Margot who's blog is called La Belle Brigante. A beautiful miniature blog.
Jeannette5 who's blog is called Garden Of Miniatures. I've been following this blog for some time and the Flowers this Lady makes are beautiful.
Alennka who again I can't find a blog for, but is following a few miniature blogs.
Dana Chabino who's blog is called Daily Paintings by Abstract Impressionist Painter Dana Chabino.
Bastrota who's blog is called Bastrotas Blog. Beautiful Miniatures and pictures on this one.
And last but not least is Maria who's blog is called Il Cucchiaino Magico, lots of miniatures and Tutorials on this blog.
As always please go over and say Hi....

Thank you everyone that's emailed to see if all is well, as I've not been about much this week.
On the home front, we've had Mick's parents here since last Sunday, they left on Thursday.
Ben's been sitting his "A" levels this week, so has been revising in between.
Harry's been doing Athletics's for the School and took part in a competition in Lampeter yesterday against other School's and came 3rd. Considering he was competing with Year 10's who are the year above him, I think that was a fantastic achievement. He has also had the results to most of his end of year exams and has done really well. Congratulations and very well done Harry, we are very proud of you and all the hard work you've been doing.
The new Foals are now playing together and it is lovely to watch them, jumping about like a pair of Spring Lambs.
I'll be back later with some Miniatures that have some in the post... xxxx

I've just published 2 comments on here and they've disappeared. One was from Maria and the other from Wendie. I have no idea where they've gone and didn't want to think I hadn't published them girls. Is anyone else having trouble with moderating comments??????


  1. Thank you for your welcome Debbie :)

  2. There you are! have been wondering if you was OK, not like you to be quiet for such a long time! hope youre feeling OK x

  3. I did wonder where you were and whether you were okay, but then I saw a comment by you on Nikki's blog so I knew you were okay!

    I'm sure the fouls are wonderful to see! :o))

    I've lost comments too, not recently though, sometimes they appear on my blog at a later date and sometimes they don't. :o(

    Michelle xx

  4. Hi Debbie :-) Don't worry just a word to thank you for your welcome. I hope that you'll receave this comment. Baci

  5. LOL - I can confuse myself easily enough so doesn't suprise me that blogspot is having trouble with me as well! LOL am just glad you're ok and that real life has distracted you in such a nice way :o)

  6. Glad to hear from you again!:) Congrats to Harry!

  7. Thanks for sharing all the great sites with us Debbie! Isn't it amazing how many bloggers there are now?!

    Glad to hear everything is good! Take care:)

  8. thank you for the welcome ;) and the nice words about my work , hugs, Andrea

  9. didn't see this till now ~ thanx ~~~

    my blog :

  10. Hello Debbie,

    thank you very much for your welcome and for your friendly discription of my blog.

    I am an newer blogger - this is my first blog and I started on may, 15th 2010.

    Hugs and greetings from Bavaria, Germany
