Tuesday 15 June 2010

Eeylops Owl Emporium

Recently, the lovely Julia over on Bearcabin Miniatures, asked if anyone would like to do a swap. Julia was offering one of her beautiful miniature tapestries. I contacted Julia and said that I'd love to do a swap.
Julia emailed me and said she would make a special sampler, just for Eeylops Owl Emporium.
Isn't it fabulous?. If you click on the pictures, they will blow up bigger.
Thank you so much Julia, I Love it and I hope you are feeling better.. xxxxx


  1. I love Julia's work...it's sooooo fine, I just don't know how she does it! It's wonderful Debbie! :o))

    I am doing a swap with her too. I'm almost finished and then I can send my mini's to Julia and then I can show what Julia made and swapped with me. :o))

    Michelle xxx

  2. These are really fab! I always admire Julia's works:)

  3. He is fantastic and so lovely to have it personalised for your shop! Cant wait to see what you swapped in return too! Kate xxxx

  4. I am thrilled you liked it, Debbie. I hope it will suit your Owl Emporium. Sadly, I am not well yet, but that gives me more time to stitch ;0)
    Julia xxx

  5. Lucky you. It is a lovely piece and will be a perfect addition to your shop.

  6. Wow it's lovely work. Is'nt it fun doing swaps :-)

  7. Beautiful Debbie! I dont know how julia sews so tiny and so neat, its amazing.
    Nikki xxx

  8. Such lovely work, & a owl so full of charm x
