Sunday 27 June 2010

A Mini Glastonbury

Last night we ended up with a Mini Glastonbury in the Garden.
Ben and his friends, had all gone to their friend Jamie's, 18th Birthday get together last night. When I got a phone call about 9.30pm from Ben, asking if they could move the Party up to our house. Which I agreed too. The Field where they were having the Party, belongs to Jamie's parents, but there is a Public Footpath that runs through it, and runs right along the river. Unfortunately, a few Yobs who had nothing better to do, and had nothing to do with the Party, decided they would go down there and try and pick a fight. Ben got his friend to call the Police, who came down and told this element, to go away. But by then, I think they were all concerned, that they would come back later. So Mick went down to pick some of them up with the Sound system. Jamie's Dad Giles, brought a car full up and then more cars and bikes arrived.
Then about an hour later, Ben realises that in his haste to organise everyone else, he's left his Tent and sleeping bag back in the other field. He thought his mate had put it in our car, but hadn't! So a couple of them went back down, but it had gone! I think it's been chucked in the River!
Anyway, they ended up having a lovely time up here and quite a few of them left about 4.30am this morning, when they eventually turned the Music off. The rest, as you can see by the pictures, either climbed into a tent or literally went to sleep on the Grass. Where I photographed them at 7.30am this morning.. Ben wasn't silly he came indoors and crashed on the Sofa.
Apparently, Ben's friends think I'm a really cool Mum, for letting them all come here. Well Ben what can I say, I am to please...LOL xxxx

Saturday 26 June 2010

Welcome & Thank You To The 500 & Counting...

Wow..Five Hundred Followers and Counting on my Google Followers Gadget.
That doesn't include, all my lovely followers over on Facebook, that are following me, on my Networked Blog gadget.
I still can't believe, that there are so many of you, dropping in to listen to my ramblings.

Before I welcome our "New friends", I'd just like to say "Thank You", to all the "Old Friends", that have stuck with me since the very beginning. I am so glad to be part of, the ever growing Miniature Community, in the Blogosphere. Thank you all, for the wonderful comments and support that you've always given me. I need you all to know, just how much that has meant to me, especially when I was seriously ill last year and for your continuing support on my long Road to recovery.
I have a note book full of ideas, that hopefully, when the swelling goes down in my hands, I will get started on!...

Anyway with out further ado, please Welcome:-

Heather who has three blogs. Heather has been blogging about her miniatures, over on her blog called Diary Of A Dollhouse.
Patty from over on Mini Babies Blog. Who makes the most wonderful Mini Babies and has only just started blogging. Patty is doing a class with Rik Pierce at the end of July, to build "The Crooked House". Lucky Lady.
Caroline, who unfortunately I can't find any information on. Caroline if you have a blog, please let me know, so that I can share your link.
Martimez who has three blogs, here's a link to one of them 17pillanat, and joins us from Hungary.
Deb from over at Deb's Minis. Deb is very well known in the Mini World. Deb is not feeling too well at the moment, so I hope you will all join me in wishing her well. xxx
Jain who was a follower, over on her old blog, but had a few problems with it and has just started her new blog The Giddy Kipper. Jain makes the most wonderful Miniature character's. See the previous post on this page, for more information and pictures on Jain's Work.
Last but not least is Angela. Angela is currently building a 1:24th Scale Gypsy Caravan over on her blog A Trifle Small. Also have a look at her Astoria Trio, especially if you like Gothic.

As always please go over and say

I'd also like to let everyone know, that Julie from over on Bellabelle's Blog, has added a "For Sale" page on her blog. Here's what Julie had to say:-
I have now got my For Sale page up and running.
I will be updating it regularly with all kinds of characters from witches and ghosts to sweet toddlers and mucky servants !
Check back to see what's new.
I will still be running my Ebay auctions and Etsy store as usual.
The For Sale page is just another way to buy for those that like a buy it now price, or just prefer to buy direct from the seller without the wait for a commission piece .
Wishing every success with the new "For Sale" page Julie...xxxx

I'd also like to "Congratulate" Emily, Kate's Daughter on her wonderful Fashion Exhibition. Good Luck at University Emily and Courtney, Debie's Daughter, on her Honour's Degree, good Luck with the job search. Very well done to the both of you. I wish you both every success and may all your Dreams come true. Kate & Debie you must be so proud of your beautiful Girls and rightly so...xxxx

Now that I have passed this big milestone on my blog, I feel its time to have another "Give Away". Once I've decided what & when, I'll let you all know how. xxxx

Thursday 24 June 2010

The Giddy Kipper - New Blog..

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you all know, that our Friend Jain Squires, has just started a new blog called The Giddy Kipper.
Jain did have a blog, but she's been having a few problems with it. Julie, Nikki and I, have all had a go trying to sort it out, but nothing we tried worked.
Jain has decided to start afresh and would love to see you all, new and old followers alike, over on her new blog page.
Good Luck with the new Blog page Jain, can't wait to see what wonderful creations your going to show us next....xxxx

(Please be aware that the Pictures in this blog post, belong to Jain Squires.)

Wednesday 23 June 2010

More Photography From Yesterday..

Here's the rest of the photographs that I took of the Photography, taken by the Students at Ben & Harry's School yesterday.
There really was some outstanding pictures there.
If you click on the pictures, they will pop up bigger.

Amelia, Ben's photography Teacher, left this comment on my Facebook last night, after reading my blog post:-

good to see you today - thank you all for coming so nice for people to actually see all the work up and how much energy, time and thought has gone into it all - a lot of the staff came including the Head and Deputy Heads, Tim Wright and technicians, office staff and others - and lots of lovely comments made. All the students have much to be proud of.

And my reply was:-
Amelia it was a pleasure. I really enjoyed looking at all the Students work. It was Amazing. I'd also like to personally Thank you, for all the support and encouragement that you've given to the students and for giving up your own time to help them make the best of their work. I know Ben really appreciates it. Lets hope your as spot on, with the Grades as you was last year.

I did have to laugh yesterday, when Ben showed us around the little room, off the Art room, that they use for the Photography class and I spied a poster on the wall. If you look at the very bottom photograph, you'll see why. He gets everywhere doesn't he.....

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Ben's "A" Level Photograpy..

This morning, Mick and I went up to the Boy's School, to see Ben's "A" Level Photography work.
The examiners/assessor's have already seen the work and today was the turn of Family and Friends.
The poster on the door advertising the open day, was made from one of Ben's pictures.
I have to say that all the Students, have worked really hard and there was some absolutely wonderful work on show. I hope they all get the grades that they are hoping for, especially those that need the points for University.
A special thank you, to their Teacher & Friend Amelia, who Ben tells me begs, steals and borrows to get her students through their exams, (the Photography department is sorely under funded) and gives up a lot of her own time for the students. She was in School until 6.30pm last night with one of the assessors and she mounted every single photograph that was on display.
The huge black poster that Ben did, is a take on the saying by Friedrich Nietzsche ~ If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back a you. Unfortunately, because its Gloss and reflects the light, I couldn't get a good picture of it. But if you stand directly in front of it, and concentrate you can see quite a few eyes staring back out at you. I did try to upload the original picture from Ben's memory stick, but blogger didn't like it, I think its too big a file. Ben said that he will compress the file, so that I can upload it later!.
If you click on the pictures, they should come up bigger.
I'll be back later with some more pictures, taken by the other Students and Ben's friends.

I've left a comment...

There has been some unpleasantness, in our lovely land of Blog.
I now feel I have been vindicated for the blog post, I did some weeks ago and removed at my dear friends Nikki's request.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, but most of you do, please go here and read this:- Nikki's Blog and comments. I've left a comment.
I think this makes it clear to anyone out there, we stand together and will defend our friends and our precious miniature community.
I hope everyone, can now put this whole sorry saga behind us, and continue with the things we love to do blog, share and create.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Happy Fathers Day...

Wishing all the Father's, Pops, Dad's and Daddies out there a very Happy Father's Day.
Mick spoke to his Dad this morning and they wished each other a Happy Father's Day..LOL Have a great day "Big Mick".
Harry and Ben have brought Mick, quite a few bits and pieces from their own money, that they've been earning, working in the Fish & Chip shop in Town. But unfortunately it hasn't all arrived in time, so can't let on what it is, just in case he reads this, which is not likely, but you never know!. But they did give him the Avatar DVD, this morning.
We are having a Lamb Roast today, with all the trimmings and as I did loads of baking on Friday, I'm sure a few cakes will be consumed this afternoon.

On the Mini front, have you seen the lovely "Little Red", that my dear friend Debie over on Piskies and Poppets, has made. She's wonderfully dark. Debie has written a brilliant Poem to go with her. I Love her. If you haven't seen her, go over and take a look.

I don't know about everyone else, but are any of you having trouble with your blog lists updating? Mine has only just updated blogs that were written over 16 hours ago????.. Maybe there's a glitch in blogger again..

Thanks for all the emails this morning peeps. Brian yours made me laugh and I'm adding "The Cheese has slipped off the Cracker", to my repertoire. Brian is having a "Give Away", on his blog for one of his sculpts. You've got to be in it, to win it, so go over and leave a comment..

Have a wonderful Father's Day....xxxx

Saturday 19 June 2010

Welcome... Over 490

A very big Welcome to some more followers, there's nearly 500 of you now. I think I'll do a give away, when we reach the 500 Followers mark...

My new followers are:-
Mini Mago who's blog is called Mini Mago Inc. This is a new blog on the block, so Welcome to the blogosphere..
Minnie Kitchen who's blog is of the same name Minnie Kitchen and who is an aspiring miniature Food Artist. They also have an Etsy Shop.
Anna who's blog is called Schneewalski. Anna is currently making a Witches Cape. She also has a link on her blog for free printies.
Connie who has a number of blogs, so I'll just give one here Mi Trastero, which contains some wonderful vintage images and you can peruse the rest at your leisure.
Wanda who's blog is called So Mini Projects. Wanda has only begun blogging this month.
Nesli who also has a couple of blogs so here's a link to her Design one. Some lovely jewellery and hair accessories on there.
Christina who's blog is called Miniature Wonderland. Christina makes beautiful miniature Food.
Zahou Liangren now I'm not sure about this one. I think this could be the link Zakka Life, but I could be entirely wrong. Zahou if this is incorrect, would you leave your link in the comments, so that I can share with everyone.
And last but not least is Ayano who's blog is called Made In Charmyheim. Ayano makes Miniatures, Ball Jointed Dolls, Tiny Knit Animals and lots of other stuff.
As always please go over and say Hi...

I have been adding lots more links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links Page. There are hundreds of Miniature Blogs and other useful links on there. It's getting to be quite a resource. I've had quite a few Artisans and Shops email me with their links, which I am more then happy to add.
If anyone has a link that they'd like to share, please leave a comment and I'll add it.

I'd also like to remind you all that Nikki started a blog a little while ago called Miniature Question & Answer. A mini place to ask and hopefully be answered. Nikki does one post a week and will cover a different topic each time. So if you haven't visited and want to pose a question or help answer a question, pop over and have a look.