Wednesday 23 June 2010

More Photography From Yesterday..

Here's the rest of the photographs that I took of the Photography, taken by the Students at Ben & Harry's School yesterday.
There really was some outstanding pictures there.
If you click on the pictures, they will pop up bigger.

Amelia, Ben's photography Teacher, left this comment on my Facebook last night, after reading my blog post:-

good to see you today - thank you all for coming so nice for people to actually see all the work up and how much energy, time and thought has gone into it all - a lot of the staff came including the Head and Deputy Heads, Tim Wright and technicians, office staff and others - and lots of lovely comments made. All the students have much to be proud of.

And my reply was:-
Amelia it was a pleasure. I really enjoyed looking at all the Students work. It was Amazing. I'd also like to personally Thank you, for all the support and encouragement that you've given to the students and for giving up your own time to help them make the best of their work. I know Ben really appreciates it. Lets hope your as spot on, with the Grades as you was last year.

I did have to laugh yesterday, when Ben showed us around the little room, off the Art room, that they use for the Photography class and I spied a poster on the wall. If you look at the very bottom photograph, you'll see why. He gets everywhere doesn't he.....


  1. such a lot of lovely work! I love the first pic of hands/faces & especially the dolls heads one!!! Ben's abyss picture is pretty creepy - in a cool way!! I went to see our local colleges exhibitions this week as a friend of mine had work displayed and I had a very inspiring time. I did a lot of photography myself way back when, and its made me miss it a bit.... might have to revisit the old hobby soon methinks.... although I think Ive forgotten more than I ever learnt!! LOL

  2. Just fanastic work Debbie, you must both be so proud! Its wonderful to see what they achieve isnt it, we went to Emilys fashion end of college exhibition last night and it was brill so will post pics later! i She loves photography too as she took all the pics of her fashion shoot and its great so maybe she will go into that too! bet he w is pleased to have all the summer now to himself, no more pressure! Kate xx

  3. Wendie it was a lovely display and I take my hat of to all the Students. They have all really worked hard. xx

    Kate, Ben has one more "A" Level to sit on the 30th, then he's finished school. Can't wait to see Emily's work, hurry up and get it on your blog..LOL xx

  4. Beautiful works! And I love the last photo! :D

  5. Looks wonderful. Tom Riddle's missing masterpiece is great!

  6. Hi Debbie! ben's work is amazing. I think he is really talented.
    Even if I never have teh time to leave a comment I read your blog and I think about you. I hope your health is good and I wish you a wonderful summer!
