Saturday 2 January 2010

Happy New Year 2010.... A New Decade

I'd like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2010. (Sorry I'm a bit late).

Another decade has gone and a new one has begun. The last decade holds mixed emotions for me. It was the decade where I lost both my parent's, my Mum in 2001 and my Dad in 2003 and so nearly my own life in the latter part of 2009. It also was the start of our families new life in Wales, one that we certainly have no regrets about.
It was also the decade that I started blogging and through this blog, I have met virtually and in person some of the most amazing people on the planet. Yes I'm talking about you my dear friends out there in the blogosphere.
I want to thank you all for you friendship, encouragement and support, especially over the last few months. May 2010 bring you all happiness, health and all you wish for.
I'm really looking forward to seeing all your new projects and hopefully I'll have a few to share of my own...

Last night it started to Snow and this is what we woke up to this morning...
The first two photographs were taken at approx 8am.
The next three were taken at approx two this afternoon.
The last couple were taken at approx 4.30pm


  1. Oh, Debbie, how beautiful! And all in your own backyard!

    Happy New Year! I hope it brings you health, happiness, love, peace and plenty of mini time!!!


  2. oh wow all that snow, wish we had it, just to have a bit of fun before school starts Monday!
    Happy New year to you and all your lovely family Debbie. Lets hope the new decade brings alot of fun and most importantly good health for us all!! Kate, John and the children xxx

  3. So beautiful, don't you just love it when the snow clings to the trees like that and then the sun comes out.

  4. Your snow photos are just beautiful - and I hope you are cosy and snug. Bright and sunshiny here (midlands) though my friend nearby did see a flurry this morning.

    Happy 2010 to you too - I hope this year is much better for you re your health than 2009.

  5. The photos are out of this world Debbie! I hope the next decade is full of unbelievable adventures for you, and I hope to see many more of your minis on 'tiny treasures'!

  6. Lovely pictures Debbie. Happy Happy New Year my friend. I know it will be a good one for all of us! Hugs~ Kim

  7. Happy New Year Debbie! I too wish you a new year filled with laughter, good health, good friends and MORE minis!
    Your photos make me realize that 40 degrees in Alabama USA with sunshine is not so bad afterall!
    Stay cozy!

  8. Beautiful - but don't want snow here. :) Happy New Year to you and your family.

  9. Happy New Year (and decade!) to you too Debbie and your family. I'm very thankful also to have joined the 'wonderful world of blog', and to have found you in it.

    Wonderful photos by the way :)

  10. Wishing you and your family a truly fab one, with lots of happiness and very good health!!

    Your area looks absolutely wonderful and oh so peaceful. :o)

    Excited to see what mini wonders you create in the coming months!
    Michelle xxxx

  11. Happy New Year Debbie! I wish you and your family health and happiness in the new year!

    Beautiful pictures of the snow!


  12. Dear Debbie; I'm sorry I did not write sooner but I'm prey of a nasty bug which doesn't take leave of me.The pics are wonderful and I wish you all a great new year. Best wishes and hugs Rosanna

  13. You have a beautiful view, I can see why you don't regret the move to Wales.
    Thank you for your lovely words, a Happy and Healthy New Year for you
    and your family!
    * marlies

  14. Oh Debbie! It's so beautiful! I brought the kids up to my Mom's for the weekend....and the only snow we got to see is the dirty stuff they pile up on the sides of the road.....not very exciting!

    I sure hope this next year is better then the ones before! Life always gives us challenges to go through so we can grow....there's always something new to learn!! :)


  15. Happy New Year to you too !
    What beautiful pictures, thank you.

  16. Happy new year to you all, I hope the next year and decade is much better for you x

    Your snow looks so pretty, the photo of the field with the hills in the back looks just like the view I had walking home in the dark, just a little brighter. I only had the moonlight to light my way!! More snow forecast for us both on tuesday and wednesday this week.

    Take care in that snow, Julia xx

  17. for you and your family
    a happy and healthy 2010
    and many mini projects ..
    beautiful snow pictures, debbie
    here is all white with snow also
    Hugs Marja

  18. It really has been quite a decade for you, Debbie, definitely not an easy one. Just want to let you know that I feel lucky to have you as a friend, dropping by my blog ever so often with your kind words.

    I am sure the next decade will be one more memorable one for you. It is clear to me that you hold a special place in many of our hearts. I agree with everyone, Your pictures are beautiful.

  19. What lovely views you have! Just breathtaking....
    However your snow is what we in (Ontario) Canada call a dusting. Just north of us they've had more than 100cm inside of 48 hours.... and that was in December.
    Wished I have your weather problems. LOL
    Wishing you an extremely healthy 2010
    hugs Karin
    in Snowy Orr Lake with -24C weather


  21. Happy New Year to you Debbie! I hope it's wonderful!

  22. Beautiful pics Debbie!
    Hope everyone had fun out playing in it. Bet it was freezing though.
    We had a very thin dusting of snow here again today and now we are back to having sheets of ice everywhere and nobody able to walk again.
    The kids are back at school in the morning and they are all hoping the snows falls deep tonight so they can have more time off.
    Nikki xxx

  23. Que lindas paisagens na neve!Aqui,onde moro,só sabemos o que é neve pela televisão e cinema e por fotos de lugares lindos como o seu país.Dejo que este Ano Novo e esta nova década lhe traga muita paz,saúde e felicidade.E muita inspiração para realizar miniaturas maravilhosas.Beijos.

  24. Que lindas paisagens na neve!Aqui,onde moro,só sabemos o que é neve pela televisão e cinema e por fotos de lugares lindos como o seu país.Dejo que este Ano Novo e esta nova década lhe traga muita paz,saúde e felicidade.E muita inspiração para realizar miniaturas maravilhosas.Beijos.

  25. Happy New year to you too Debbie!! You live in such a beautiful place!! hugs, ara

  26. Oh I do love it when you show pictures of your area. I love rolling hills and trees and I appreciate it when you share those pictures with us. We have quite a bit more snow than you do and we could not get out for three days since the person that blows our driveway did not get it done until then. But we did not mind because we were warm and dry in our little nest and we had our puppy to keep us amused. I do hope this year will be very good for you and your family. You have been like a close friend to me and I am so pleased that you helped me with my first blog which was just a year ago now but I feel that I have known you much longer. Thank you my friend for being my friend.
