Saturday 26 December 2009

Nikki's Magical Christmas Present...

Nikki's present has been here since about the 16Th December. It came in a larger box which I was allowed to open as Nikki had made me three lovely little Christmas Pudding Decorations to hang on my tree.
Her present was so beautifully wrapped and has sat under the tree, enticing me to open it, but I was a good girl and resisted the temptation. I really took my time yesterday opening it and it was so worth the wait. Just have a look at the magical miniatures she sent me..
If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.
I spent quite a long time on the phone to Nikki this morning, to thank her for my pressie and also have a good old chin wag, I do hope she managed to finally get her Dinner cooked today.. LOL


  1. Lovely Magical present Debbie! Thanks so much for sharing with us. You deserve every one of your gifts!
    Hugs~ Kim

  2. Wow! What wonderful gifts from Nikki!
    I had to laugh at the three pumpkins!
    SO cute!

  3. oh how wonderful! how are kids!
    How are you?? you had a Merry Christmas?
    I embrace and I wish you peaceful days and a Happy New Year!

  4. The present is truly fantastic! It's wonderful to have friends isn't it? Especially ones as kind, gifted and talented as Nikki! I am sure that you can put all your magical goodies to excellent use, I can't wait to see!

    Early New Year Hugs! ;o)
    Michelle xx

  5. What a fabulous lot of Nikkis goodies Debbie, I love gifts like that, that you can have fun picking places for. I can see them all now in Diagon Alley! Glad you had a smashing Christmas, hope you didnt work too hard, and a huge hug for our little plate of Christmas cookies thankyou!!! Kate and John xxx

  6. wow,beautiful gifts Debbie!

    I wish you and your family a magical good and healthy Happy New Year!


  7. What wonderful gifts to make your Christmas truly magical. Best wishes for 2010.
