Saturday 26 December 2009

Nikki's Magical Christmas Present...

Nikki's present has been here since about the 16Th December. It came in a larger box which I was allowed to open as Nikki had made me three lovely little Christmas Pudding Decorations to hang on my tree.
Her present was so beautifully wrapped and has sat under the tree, enticing me to open it, but I was a good girl and resisted the temptation. I really took my time yesterday opening it and it was so worth the wait. Just have a look at the magical miniatures she sent me..
If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.
I spent quite a long time on the phone to Nikki this morning, to thank her for my pressie and also have a good old chin wag, I do hope she managed to finally get her Dinner cooked today.. LOL

Christmas Morning..... Gifts Part 2

Now this year Mick and I agreed not to buy presents for each other. There's nothing we need and personally I'd rather save my money for the sales. I do so love a bargain.
So you can imagine my surprise when a large box was produced from under the Christmas Tree with my name on it.
I knew as soon as I saw the box what was inside, see its the Witch in me.

A couple of weeks ago I saw this most amazing Jug in one of our local shops. I absolutely fell in Love with it. It's approx 12ins across the top from handle to spout, 8ins across the bottom and stands approx 8ins. I know it won't be every one's cup of Tea, but I think it beautiful. Its very Rustic looking and I just loved the little Frogs all cuddled up together. I mentioned in passing that I really, really liked it.
So Mick went back without me, brought it and hid it somewhere until Christmas morning.
Naughty Man!...

Christmas Morning..... Gifts Part 1

I had some lovely presents from my friends Rosanna and Katie. (If you click on their names it will take you to their blogs).

Rosanna's box contained lots of lovely Nougat Sweets which are Mick's favourite, so I've hid them, otherwise there won't be any for anybody else, a very pretty little Angel Ornament who is now hanging on the tree and a typical Genoa Christmas Cake called Pandolce which is flavoured with orange blossom water and fennel. In her card Rosanna said that traditionally the first cut must be made by the youngest member of the family. So that honour will fall to Harry.

Katie sent me some lovely miniature pictures, which are photographs that Katie has taken and miniaturised. Katie explained in her letter where the photo's were taken. The Barn next to the pond, is Jackson's Mill, West Virginia. The Building is Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia and the Tree picture was taken in Katies parents garden in Washington DC. Katie said she thought this one would be neat for a Haunted House..

Thank you Ladies for your gifts. Merry Christmas xxxxx

Friday 25 December 2009

Christmas Morning.... He's Been...

Well the boys had their Christmas bags under the tree this morning when they finally got up.
Harry made us all laugh when he tried on his new leopard skin trunks over his PJ's and modeled them. In case you can't read what it says on them it's "Wild Thing" LOL.
Even the Dogs had new beds..

Christmas Eve Waiting For Father Christmas..

I took these pictures just before we went to bed on Christmas Eve. Waiting for Father Christmas to come..
Nikki see your parcel is still under the tree with Rosanna's..

Thursday 24 December 2009

Rosanna's Christmas Swap Pictures..

I can now share these photographs with you as my dear friend Rosanna over at La Stanza Di Giuggiola has now posted the Christmas Swap Photographs...
These are the first Miniatures I've made since my Heart surgery and the very first Gingerbread Houses I've ever made. It took me ages to make as I had to keep stopping and having a rest. Mick also mixed the clay for me as I haven't got my full strength back yet. I was really pleased with how the table turned out. The first three photographs show the table and all the goodies I sent to my swap partner Riesl over at Riesl Today. I know she's got it and I hope I haven't spoiled the surprise by showing it now on my blog.
The other three photographs show another table that I made for someone else for Christmas, but can't say who yet.. And yes each individual tile was stuck on separately just like tiling a real roof.. Well I've just had a message from the other recipient of the bottom table, so I can tell you it was for Rosanna... Happy Christmas. xxxx

Email received from Reisl:-

Hi Debbie,
I want to thank you for such a lovely, perfect Christmas Swap gift!! I absolutely LOVE the gingerbread houses and the table and cookies, the yule log cake! You sent so much and it all is so beautiful! I put it on my table so I could see it all day today, every time I walk by. :) Thank you again and I hope you and your family are having a wonderful holiday. I can't wait to see Rosanna's post, but will check that later. I just wanted to send you a thank you right away.
Happy Holidays,

Sunday 20 December 2009


I have some more followers, Welcome Everyone.
They are:-
Marillum who's blog is called Las Miniaturas de Marillum. For those of you that love Shabby Chic your going to Love this blog.
Chris who's blog is called Tureluur. I was Chris's first follower, she's not been blogging long, but some very nice minis on there.
Ann who's web site is called Sweet Annie's Scents, its filled with wonderful sounding scents like Tooty Frooty Pink Cotton Candy, Cherry Lemonade and Christmas Joy..
Nyork who's blog is called Mundomini, lots of lovely minis on here. She also has another blog of the same name Mundomini, but this one is for her tutorials which is brilliant.
Arantxa who's blog is called Las Miniaturas De Los Talis. Another lovely Mini blog.
Patricia who is French but now lives in the UK who says she is an expert in daydreaming, go check out her blog Papillon Bleu UK.
Pandora who's blog is called Small Stuff. This blog is about the small stuff she's collected over the years, which includes some Lundby.
CecicoloOO who I can't find any blog for but follows a few..
Kate who's profile say's that she is a Wife and a Mother, artist and Miniaturist who is planning on starting her own blog soon. Kate when you do let me know your link, so I can share it.
Vinchen who's blog is called vinchen arts, lots of Christmas related Miniatures on there at the moment.
Marit who's blog is called Black Cat Cottage. Marit has only been blogging since November, but has some lovely miniatures on her blog.
And last but not least Marisa who's blog is called Marisa's Mini Treasures. Go and have a look at her wonderful North Pole Bakery and see who's gone to visit! Harry Potter and Dobby..
As always please pop over and say Hello...

Saturday 19 December 2009

The White Stuff....

We got up to a smattering of the white stuff this morning and there's some big old flakes falling.
It looks lovely, but causes so much work here, especially having to get water and food to the Ponies..

Friday 18 December 2009

Finally The Tree Is Decorated...

We got our Christmas Tree on Monday and its taken me until today to get all the Decorations on it. It was looking so forlorn, but I can only do a little bit at a time, then I need to sit down to rest and then start again and its been hard going with the bending. But finally I finished it this evening, and after much faffing about I'm pleased with how it looks. I'll try and get some better photographs tomorrow in daylight, and when I've cleared up the floor which is smothered with decorations and bits of this and that...LOL
It's not as big as we usually have but it fits nicely in the corner of the lounge and smells wonderful.
I've also decorated the Mantles in our lounge and the Boys room and hung their stockings.. (Katie of Katie's Clay Corner has the same Stockings as us, how do I know this? cause Katie showed me on her blog last year.)
Nikki can you spy your little Puddings and your posh pressie under the tree, told you I hadn't opened it..

Sunday 13 December 2009

Buon Compleanno Rosanna....

Just wanted to wish my dear friend Rosanna over at La Stanza Di Giuggiola a very Happy Birthday.
I hope you have a wonderful Day Rosanna.

Buon compleanno Rosanna.. xxxxx

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Welcome.. Over 300 Followers

A few more followers have joined the throng. Welcome everyone...
They are:-
AminaShk who's blog is called Clay Paper Wood Wire. Amina is very new to blogging.
Norma who's blog is called Make Mine Mini, some wonderful minis on here.
Hugs who's blog is called Hugs and Keepsakes.
Aru who's blog is called Aru. Go and have a look at the minis inside night lights.
Christel Hutson who's blog is called One Of A Kind Art Dolls by Christel Hutson. Just go and have a look at her beautiful sculpts and her darling little Fae..Beautiful.
Smidge Girl who's blog is called Smidge House, she also has a Etsy Shop of the same name. She makes Ooak Sixth Scale Furniture & Accessories,
Ron Nelson who's blog is called Artisan Of Ocala. Ron has been a professional scale model maker since 1982.
Papallona who has two blogs minisxisc and mis damitas both are filled with miniatures.
Celia (Head Witch Of The Hollow), who has two blogs League Of Dark Witch & Wizards, and The Secret Diary of a Mountain Witch. Celia sculpts the most wonderful Witches and Wizards.
Angeles who's blog is called El Rincon de Baldu, some beautiful minis on there.
Maria Jose who's blog is called Bienvenidos a mi blog Marivigano. Quite a few modern minis on here.
And last but not least Ciri who has a few blogs but this one is more to do with miniatures. Il Fantastico Mondo Di Ciri. Ciri makes miniature food jewellery.

Well I can't believe I've passed the 300 mark on my followers list on blogger and that I also have another 64 on my Networkedblogs followers list. Thank you everyone...
As always please go over and say Hi and let them know that I sent you.... xxx

Sunday 6 December 2009

Eight Ball..

Tessie the little Witch over at Casey's Minis, has passed to me the Eight ball.
There are 8 questions for me to answer and then I have to pass it on to someone else. Although I doubt my answers will be as entertaining as Tessie's.

1. Names that I am called by:- Mum, Debbie, Deb and Debs. Although there are a few others that I couldn't possibly post here! LOL

2. Three Items I am wearing:- My PJ's, my fluffy furry slippers and a smile..

3. Three things I did yesterday, last night and today:- Yesterday I was trying on my shoes and boots to see if I could get them on the Fat Foot! Last night I went to a Christmas Party in my Furry Fluffy Slippers and had a brilliant time. This morning I've peeled some potatoes for Dinner.

4. Name two things you have eaten:- This morning I had Cheerios for breakfast and at this moment I'm sucking a Pear Drop.

5. Two people I have rung today:- I've rung my friend Di and my friend Christine has just rung me.

6. Two things I will do today:- Write some more Christmas Cards, I'm so behind this year, they are normally in the post on the 1st December and finish some minis I'm working on.

7. Three Best Loved Drink:- Tea, I drink gallons of the stuff, but it has to be strong (Builders Tea), Tia Maria over ice, and a nice glass of Red Wine, preferably Merlot.

8. Three Things I Intensely Wish:- 1. That a cure for all Cancers is found. 2. Good Health and Happiness for everyone. 3. And last but not least Peace for everyone throughout the World, no more Wars..

I now pass the Eight Ball to:- Julia & Hywel over at Bear Cabin Miniatures, if they would like to play along... xxx

Just a little update on the Fat Foot Saga, I went to the Party Last Night and had a lovely time in my Fluffy Slippers and I didn't look out of place at all, as lots of the girls were wearing Huggs. So girls if you want to go out in your slippers go for it...LOL