Saturday 19 December 2009

The White Stuff....

We got up to a smattering of the white stuff this morning and there's some big old flakes falling.
It looks lovely, but causes so much work here, especially having to get water and food to the Ponies..


  1. Hope you are able to enjoy it to some degree, as you say extra work, but it does look pretty :)

  2. Hi Debbie.
    Glad you got some but feel for Mick with the ponies.
    Has Harry and Ben managed to get the sledge out yet?
    I'd love a hill in my garden for sledging. It's all as flat as a pancake here and the garden is the size of a stamp, lol. Got to walk miles to get to a hill.
    Hope you are enjoying it too!
    Nikki xxx

  3. Oh wow! It seems the white stuff is everywhere but here! Perhaps you'll have a white Christmas? No chance of that for me!

  4. Debbie, having probs signing into my email but wanted to send you this basket link:
    The lady had a beautiful wicker bird cage to give you more ideas for your eyelops.
    Nikki xxx

  5. Looks lovely but I agree with you about the extra work... Your tree is so beautiful and your decorations as well. You have done a great job Hugs Rosanna

  6. It is so pretty Debbie. But I'm sure it makes for alot more work. Thanks for the lovely pictures. No snow here. Thinking of you. Hugs~ Kim

  7. here it is also white debbie ...
    very nice but very slippery!
    and there's more to snow tomorrow.
    yes can not believe that it is easy to feed the ponies ..
    hopefully it is soon over
    hugs marja

  8. The snow looks so pretty! :)

    Merry Christmas! :)

  9. Having mixed feelings about the snow here as well. Not that it means extra work for me, but seeing the wildlife suffer from my window at work... I can't help hoping for some warmer wheather, even if it means no white Christmas.


  10. Hi Debbie, I am one of your new followers. I like these pictures but I love your Harry Potter's collection! I just made my muggle version of Harry and Dobby's Christmas Day. If you want to visit I am at
    Happy Holidays! from New York, hugs,

  11. Hi Debbie.

    Nikki here, wonder why its saying patrick rowe as my name, lol.
    Off to check it out. Looks like pats has had his hands in this.

    Nikki xxx

  12. The snow is so beautiful but I hate it really. For me it means getting fat because I won't leave the house to work outside during the Winter. I will become an oompa loompa! You are a better woman than me feeding outdoor animals in Winter. That's a job!

  13. It seems that in Europe we all have snow. It is beautiful in town but even more beautiful in the country. Thank you for the great photos.
