Wednesday 11 November 2009


A Big Welcome to two more followers they are:-

Lisa who's blog is called Lisa Johnson-Richards. Lisa also has a web site of the same name. Lisa is a Miniature Doll Artist and Couturiere. Her Dolls are exquisite.
Linda who's blog is called Linda's Minis. Lots of lovely mini's on here.
Please go over and say Hello...

On the home front we've had Mick's parents here for a few days and they went home yesterday. I also started my Cardiac Physiotherapy Rehabilitation yesterday, which was OK. Felt quite tired out last night though.
Today I'm off to Swansea, to see the Consultant that operated on me and hopefully he will say all is well and have a check up. Then back to Physio tomorrow, will be going twice a week until February.
On the Mini Front, I'm doing the Christmas Mini Swap, which was arranged by dear Rosanna over on La Stanza Di Giuggiola. Begona is making for me and I'm making for Reisl. The rules are:-
The only limit is that it must be an object related to Christmas and it must NOT be red or green; think to a pink, purple, yellow, blue, silver, gold, black, white Christmas.... think in colours !!
The gift will have to be wrapped in an unusual container.
I have loads of ideas for this one and rung Nikki last night to have a chat about it. Just need to find an unusual container now...
Also there are a couple of people out there in the Mini world who are not well at the moment and are both in hospital. I just wanted to say a BIG GET WELL to Linda and another person who doesn't want to be named at the moment, from everyone here in the blogosphere. I hope your both be back with us really, really soon. xx


  1. Nice to hear that you are progressing on your recovery.
    I am also preparing the Christmas SWAP....

  2. I am so glad you're on the mend Debbie :o) I know it'll be a while and its hard work, but keep at it with the physio and your arms and legs will be going where you want them to in no time at all! if you get the chance (if its offered where you live) try hydrotherapy, it makes it a lot easier to move when your in the water and it doesnt hurt as much while your excercising either.

  3. Physical thearpy will be over before you know it, and yes, it will make you tired, but it takes a lot of work to get back to where you were. Your body has been through a lot, and it takes time.....I'm thinking of you, and wishing you all the luck in the world!!! Take care of yourself!!

    And when you get a chance....How's all those Momma's doing now?? I know they can't all still be pregnant?!?! LOL


  4. Thank you for such a warm welcome Debbie... I was really amazed to see my name on your blog :)
    My best wishes to you for a speedy recovery!
    Lisa x
