Friday 27 November 2009

Miniature Chicken Wire Update...

After my plea on Monday for any ideas on miniature chicken wire. Michelle from Michelle's Mad World, emailed me to say she had a small piece of material in her stash and would I like it.
It came today and its brilliant, just the right scale and feels like plastic and very flexible.
Thank you so much Michelle, just need to plan out what I'm doing before I start cutting. Watch this space.

Thursday 26 November 2009

For Mercedes, Liberty & Noah..

Many months ago I contacted Mercedes telling her that I was going to make something for her son Noah.
Now anyone that follows Mercedes blog, Liberty Biberty knows she makes the most wonderful shabby chic miniatures. Which are beautiful but not something that really thrills Noah.
Mercedes has previously told me that Noah much preferred my Harry Potter themed Minis to his Mums, and as Liberty is always getting little gifts. I thought it would be nice to start Noah off, with his own collection, but more on the dark side..LOL
But once I started packing that parcel I couldn't really leave little Liberty out or Mercedes. So they each had their own little box.
Now that parcel has been sitting for literally months waiting very patiently to be posted and it finally got posted last week. And to be totally truthful, I had completely forgotten what I'd put in there.
So Thank you Mercedes for taking some photographs and sharing them on your blog. If you'd like to see what was inside the presents and Liberty and Noah's reactions, please pop over to Mercedes blog for a look. If you click on Mercedes name it will take you over there.. By the way Mercedes I borrowed this picture from your blog as I didn't take any pictures... xxx

I'd also like to add that I haven't forgotten the other people out there that I have promised Minis too. I promise you will all get your bits eventually..

Wednesday 25 November 2009

From The Witches Across The Water...

Finally, here's a couple of pictures of the presents that Casey sent me. The Weather has been so dark and dismal, its been hard to get a decent photograph to share. As I said before the stitching on the rug and towel set is dinky. The rug feels like velvet. I'm sure Tessie may have helped.. Just click on the photographs to make them pop up bigger.
I'm sure Casey won't mind me calling her a Witch as she is part of the Wednesday Witches. Casey also has in residence a little Witch named Tessie, who well lets say is always up to something..LOL
If you've not read Casey's blog, then I recommend it, not only will Tessie's antic's make you smile, but Casey's tutorials are brilliant and she's always got something to share with everyone. Just click on Casey's name to whisked over there.
Thank you Casey and Tessie I Love my presents and I hope Widget is feeling better.. xxx

I'm off to the Hospital today to the Lipid Clinic. As I've never been before don't quite know what to expect really. I think it is to do with the very high Cholesterol I had before the operation, it was 8.6, its now 4.3. So it's halved. They think I have inherited this from my Dad. Oh well best go and get ready..

Monday 23 November 2009

Miniature Chicken Wire?

Sorry everyone for the blog lapse, but needless to say lots of things been going on.
First off I went to see the Cardiac Surgeon and he was so pleased with my progress, he signed me off, and I haven't even got to go back for a yearly check up. How was that for brilliant news. If I get any problems just to contact my own GP.. I can tell you we all breathed a huge sigh of relief. Just got to do as I'm told and I'll be back fighting fit. The only problem I've got at the moment is with the leg they took the vein from, it looks like it belongs to the Elephant Man. The boys have nick named it the "Cankle". Still carrying on with my physiotherapy.
I also received a wonderful get well present from Casey over at Casey's Minis. She stitched me the most wonderful miniature rug and towel set. I promise to take some pictures later when the lights better, and share them with you. All I can say is, I think with the size of the stitches, a little Witch named Tessie had a hand in them..
I've also had the clay out.. Now don't all faint at once. As you know I'm taking part in the Christmas Swap over at Rosanna's. But I can't show you the results here, in case my recipient sees. But for my friends over on Face book, they've already had a sneak peek and by the comments, it seems they are a hit! They are my first ever minis of that kind and my very first minis after my surgery, so to say I'm pleased is a bit of an understatement. I did have to get Mick to mix the clay for me though.. Thanks Mick. Now for all of you that have seen them, please don't let the cat out of the bag. This swap has given me something to focus on and hopefully in the new year, I will get back to my mini making proper.
Now to explain the heading on the top of my blog. I want to make some cages, now does anyone know where I can get miniature Chicken wire from. I thought I might be able to use Tulle, but worried this may not be strong enough. Have any of you got any ideas? Any help greatly received.. xx

Wednesday 11 November 2009


A Big Welcome to two more followers they are:-

Lisa who's blog is called Lisa Johnson-Richards. Lisa also has a web site of the same name. Lisa is a Miniature Doll Artist and Couturiere. Her Dolls are exquisite.
Linda who's blog is called Linda's Minis. Lots of lovely mini's on here.
Please go over and say Hello...

On the home front we've had Mick's parents here for a few days and they went home yesterday. I also started my Cardiac Physiotherapy Rehabilitation yesterday, which was OK. Felt quite tired out last night though.
Today I'm off to Swansea, to see the Consultant that operated on me and hopefully he will say all is well and have a check up. Then back to Physio tomorrow, will be going twice a week until February.
On the Mini Front, I'm doing the Christmas Mini Swap, which was arranged by dear Rosanna over on La Stanza Di Giuggiola. Begona is making for me and I'm making for Reisl. The rules are:-
The only limit is that it must be an object related to Christmas and it must NOT be red or green; think to a pink, purple, yellow, blue, silver, gold, black, white Christmas.... think in colours !!
The gift will have to be wrapped in an unusual container.
I have loads of ideas for this one and rung Nikki last night to have a chat about it. Just need to find an unusual container now...
Also there are a couple of people out there in the Mini world who are not well at the moment and are both in hospital. I just wanted to say a BIG GET WELL to Linda and another person who doesn't want to be named at the moment, from everyone here in the blogosphere. I hope your both be back with us really, really soon. xx

Wednesday 4 November 2009


A Big Welcome to another five followers they are:-
Lize who's blog is called Lizelund, filled with lovely pictures of her miniatures.
Angela who's blog is called I'm Big In The Miniature World.
Nesca who's blog is called "Doll With A Soul", there is a warning at the front of the blog, but continue as it's only there as some of Nesca's Doll Sculpts are showing their bits..
Michelle of Michelle's Mad World, have a look at her Witches House, it's wonderful. I spyed some of Nikki's creations in there..
And last but not least is Reisl who's blog is called Reisl Today. Have a look at her tiny Tea Pots..
As always please pop over and say Hi....

Sunday 1 November 2009

Some more pictures and video from the Halloween Fun Day at the riding school yesterday.