Thursday 17 September 2009

Happy 18th Birthday Ben...

This is Mick updating Debbie's Blog for her.
Today is our Son Ben's 18th Birthday.
"Wishing you a Wonderful Birthday Son", may all your dreams come true. all our love Mum, Dad & Harry..xx
Debbie and I brought Ben a Car for his 18th, he just needs to pass his test now.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Mum's Blogland Surprise....

To read about this very special surprise Blogland present, please visit Nikki's blog, for the full story.
Mum knew there was a parcel arriving yesterday, from Nikki, but had no idea that it was from all the wonderful friends she has made in Blogland.
To say Mum was over whelmed is an understatement. Nikki had numbered all the gifts and sent a corresponding letter telling Mum who the presents were from and written a Get Well Card from everyone. Mum promptly burst into tears and just kept saying People are so kind.
Mum has asked me to Thank every one that took part in this Wonderful Surprise and when she is feeling better and can access the computer, she will contact you all personally. Mum did speak to Nikki yesterday, to let her know the parcel had arrived,and I think shed a few tears while she was on the phone. Nikki told Mum that there are a few more gifts to come yet..
I'd also like to Thank everyone especially Nikki for organizing this surprise for Mum, it did make her cry but in a good way... Ben, Harry & Mick xxxx

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Good News

Hi its Ben. just to let everyone no that mum came out of hospital yesterday afternoon she still cannot access the computer herself and will not be able to for a while yet. Nikki rang mum last night and said she would let everyone know about mum on her blog
Mums consultant said she was a Star patient because she was getting on so well and considering she only had her surgery Thursday and he let her out yesterday as long as she promised to take things easy. Dad has already told her of today for trying to wash the bathroom sink lol.

I don't know if mum has already told you that i got a A in Photography this year but she has asked me to remind you lol. As I am doing it again this year i have decided to do it on the human condition and she has alowed me to take a couple of photos of her scars to be lol, not for the squimish :)

Mum would also like to thank you all for your lovely comments and good wishes. Mum has also said to say thankyou Marja for her lovely card all the way from Holland and to everyone else who has sent her cards and good wishes.

Thursday 3 September 2009

And the surgery...

Hi everyone, the doctors have said that the operation was a total success.
mum is sedated at the moment but will e awake when we go see her tomorrow.
thank you all for your support.
I will still keep you updated until mum is home.
talk to you all soon :D

Wednesday 2 September 2009

The Night Before....

I've asked Ben to type this for me, as he's been doing a brilliant job updating my blog. Surgery is tomorrow, to say I'm a tad terrified is an understatement.
Hopefully all will go according to plan and in a couple of days i will wake up in intensive care.
They keep you under sedation and on a ventilator for a couple of days to help with the healing. It all seems a bit of a dream like. Just a few weeks ago I was building a sleeper wall and getting the hay in, helping with the medieval day and organizing a party.

Apparently, I am Critical but stable. It's a wonder I haven't popped my clogs! Obviously my maker has decided it's not my time yet...
I've been warned that my recovery will be a long and slow one. So hopefully, I'll have some time for my miniatures and finally get my witches hat shop built.
Ben has been printing off your comments for me. Thank you everyone for your get well wishes and your caring words, They've certainly cheered me up. The good news is my son's can now use the washing machine and my whites are still white! lol.

Ben and Harry return to school tomorrow, so Ben will update when he can, and let you know how it all went.
Love to you all
Debbie xxxx

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Update on surgery

Hi everyone, just an update before we go see mum.
mum was taken ill yesterday with chest pains, because of this the consultant has spoken with her and moved the surgery forward to Thursday as the stress of being in the hospital obviously isn't good for her heart. Mum is fine though and at least it will get the surgery out of the way and she can focus on recovering.
I am back to school tomorrow and I and my brother will be going up to see mum every other night to see mum, so i will be posting her blog on the nights we are at home.
Mum loves all the comments she has received and I will be printing them off tomorrow night for her before her surgery.
thank you all for your comments and kid words it means a lot to all of us :)