Tuesday 1 September 2009

Update on surgery

Hi everyone, just an update before we go see mum.
mum was taken ill yesterday with chest pains, because of this the consultant has spoken with her and moved the surgery forward to Thursday as the stress of being in the hospital obviously isn't good for her heart. Mum is fine though and at least it will get the surgery out of the way and she can focus on recovering.
I am back to school tomorrow and I and my brother will be going up to see mum every other night to see mum, so i will be posting her blog on the nights we are at home.
Mum loves all the comments she has received and I will be printing them off tomorrow night for her before her surgery.
thank you all for your comments and kid words it means a lot to all of us :)


  1. I cannot tell you how glad I am to hear this surgery is being taken care of sooner rather than later. And once it done she'll be as right as rain. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all Thursday.


  2. Well, Debbie, that is one way to get them to give you your operation NOW, LOL

    Thinking of you.


  3. Don't worry about the surgery at all Debbie - you will be absolutely fine and before you know it will be out of that darned hospital :o) concentrate on getting well and know that we all miss you! lots and lots of love and hugs to you and yours.

    (and Ben you are doing a fab job keeping everyone updated!)

    Vicky x

  4. Will be thinking of you, especially on Thursday. Try to relax as much as you can while you wait...not easy I know. Hugs!

  5. Hang in there Debbie! I am happy to hear that the surgery is to be soon. The sooner, the better. Have a speedy recovery.

    Ben, thanks for keeping us posted!

  6. Debbie- I will also be thinking of you thursday and with so many of us thinking good, positive thoughts how can this surgery not be a breeze. Please remember to do what the doctors say- even if it does tick you off. Best wishes to you and a big hug and thank you to Ben for keeping us up to date! Good luck on your first week of school Ben!

  7. Debbie,
    So sorry you had more pain, but am glad to hear your surgery will be done sooner. I will keep you in my prayers. God is watching over you and the ones who are caring for you. May all go well...
    Thanks Ben for keeping us informed.

  8. We are so pleased the surgery has bene moved foreward Debbie, the quicker you are better the better! take care, keep your chin up. All thinknig of you lots. Big Hugs, Kate, John and family xxxxx

  9. Good girl Debbie...you got them sorted! I'll be thinking of you on Thursday. Mini hugs, Linda!

  10. Debbie you will be in our thoughts on thursday, wrapped in love and good wishes.
    Thank you Ben.


    Debie xxxxx

  11. I think the whole world will breathe a sigh of relief once you've had your surgery Debbie!

    Thinking of you and thank you Ben for all the updates.


  12. Thank you again Ben
    I'll be thinking of you debbie Thursday ..
    you're so strong you can do it !
    hopefully better then recover quickly
    Hug Marja

  13. Wishing you the VERY BEST for Thursday...shall be thinking of you, and hope you have a speady recovery! Look forward to seeing you back with all of us very soon!

    Linda x

  14. Thinking of you Debbie and try not to worry about the surgery, it will be fine and you will be back on your feet before you know it. Thanks to Ben for keeping us updated, your mum must be very proud of you.
    Take care all of you,
    Julia & Hywel x

  15. Debbie, I'm happy that the surgery has been moved up, but not happy with your pain. I hope things move much smoother for you and that you get home soon to recover in comfort.

    You've got three great men in your life to wait on you hand and foot.

    If I could I'd come clean up after the ponies for you. ;-)

  16. The operation earlier, that means you're home earlyer and can recover. So we see you earlier back on the internet, blogland is not the same without you!

    Big big hug from the netherlands,
    * marlies

  17. Hi Debbie, Ben, Harry and Mick.
    I've been shopping all day today and just got in. My first job was to switch the comp on at this late hour and see if there were any updates.
    Debbie, you must try not to stress, takes deep breaths when you feel anxious (count to ten too) and try and stay calm and relaxed. I know i'm not the best for giving this type of advice (being the stress head i am) but you really must try and shut off when you are frustrated or fed up with it all.
    I think of you all the time and i can't put into words how i feel, but i want you better because i miss you loads and i know the boys, mick and everyone else does too.
    But you must, must take it easy, find enjoyment in the dullest of days, you must laugh at the escorted trips to the loo, and while this is happening rememeber you are there to get better.
    I wish i could visit but know i have to wait.
    So for now until i see you i send you my biggest and best wishes and lots and lots of virtual hugs.
    Lots of love, Nikki x

  18. BIG HUGS!

    This will mean getting home earlier, which is so much nicer. There's nothing like the comforts of home and being able to relax in one's own bed!

    I know we will see you back on your feet very soon :)

  19. Miss you lots Debbie. So glad you will be getting the surgery sooner. You need to get that over with and done so you can get better.
    Thoughts are with you and your family. Thanks again Ben.
    Big hugs,

  20. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers Debbie!

  21. Debbie - I am sorry that you are going through pain and stress right now but I am glad that they have moved your surgery up. It will all be behind you soon and you will be home before you know it. My husband had a heart attack last August and now a year later he is in far better shape than he was before his heart attack. I will be thinking of you on Thursday and look forward to hearing from Ben that you are home again. I am very thankful that Ben has taken the time to keep us posted. What a wonderful son you have.

  22. Hi Debbie...

    Well I always say that things happen for a reason...and it sounds like this will be perfect timing...glad you are getting this whole thing out of the way sooner rather than later..
    Things will be fine...you will soon be n the road of quick recovery... Keeping you daily in my thoughts...Much Love and Warm Healing Hugs

    Jodi and Richard

  23. I'm so glad that you won't have to wait so long for your surgery. You will be feeling so much better soon!
    My thoughts and prayers will be with you this Thursday.

  24. More healing sunshiny rays coming your way!

  25. Dear Debbie

    Sending lots of love for a speedy recovery. Your be home with your lovely family before you know it.

    Lots of love joy xxx

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Dear Debbie, I will think of you even stronger tomorrow. Laura and I say a little prayer every evening and since you are ill we say a special one for you too. Everything is going to be fine and you'll be back home sooner than you can imagine.
    PS: some extra hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

  28. So great you got the surgery sooner! Best wishes for tomorrow!

  29. Thinking of you Debbie for a fast and full recovery.
