Tuesday 25 August 2009

Update On Mum

Hey everyone its Ben again just a quick update on Mum.
Mum was in some Pain last night and was moved immediately. She has now been moved to a larger Hospital so that she could get a Angiogram, which is where they put a camera into your artery either in the groin, wrist or neck. Mums was in her wrist. They found like her Dad she has Congenital Heart Disease which also means me and harry need to go get checked out. Mum has been put on an Emergency list for a QUADRUPLE Heart Bypass. She has two blocked Valves and two that are 80% blocked. she could be having the operation anytime in the next few days and then she will be in the hospital for a week after that and then house bound for about 4 weeks. so im sure she will be posting lots of blogs to keep herself occupied :).
i would just like to thankyou all for your lovely comments and im sure it means alot to mum and it gives her something to take her mind off all te needles :).
if anyone is calling this evening we are going back to the hospital and will not be back until after half past Nine.
Thankyou for all your comments and no Worries mum is a fighter


  1. OH MY! I'm sending lots of love and luck your way!! I will be thinking about you Debbie!! BIG HUGS!!!!
    And thank-you Ben for keeping us updates!!! We ALL love your Mom!!!!!


  2. Thank you for the update. I'm so sorry to hear that she will need surgery. Hopefully, they will do that soon and be able to fix what's wrong. Please give her a great big mini hug for me! Keep us posted on how she is doing please.
    Sending prayers from the USA!

  3. Dear Ben,

    Thank you for keeping us posted. I hope your mom has her surgery soon.

    Yes, you and Harry need to get checked out, eat healthy and exercise!! (I should live by those words too, LOL)

    Hugs and prayers are coming your way, Debbie.


  4. Dear Ben, thank you for letting us know, I've been thinking of your Mum all day long.She is really part of the family now. Send her the warmest hugs and get well wishes for the incming surgery.We shall pray for her and send all the positive thoughts that we can. Hugs to you all.

  5. It's extremely sweet of you Ben to update us on your mom's condition. :) Debbie, I'm sure you'll recover in no time, i can't wait to have you back blogging and in CDHM! :) take good care, stay positive and strong! :) HUGS!

  6. Thanks for the update Ben. Your Mum will be fine...bypass surgery has a very high success rate. Tell Mum we are all sending get well vibes her way...the power of the mini world is awesome! Loads of mini hugs to Debbie, Linda

  7. We're praying for you, Debbie! Of course most of the prayers are for you not to get bored in the hospital, since we know you will be fine. ;-)


  8. The best wishes to your mum, Ben!

    I hope she will get well soon!


  9. I wish her much strength in the coming days, hope that it will be better soon. And I hope you and your brother are doing well.
    Sorry my english.
    * marlies

  10. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!

  11. Thank you Ben for keeping us informed. I am wishing your mum the best of luck on the surgery. Good thoughts and prayers go with her. Tell her I said hi!

  12. Oooh my gosh Debbie,I was in shock to read this post! I wish you all the best and hope you get well soon!

    Lots off loveand hugs and xxx,

  13. Hi Ben. Your poor Mum. I hope she doesn't have to wait too long for the operation. Geoff and I are here if you need anything Just give us a call if you do. Hopefully i will get to speak to your Mum soon. Love Tash xxxx

  14. Ben, thank you so much for taking the time to let us all know how your mom is doing.

    I had the pleasure of talking to her on the phone a short time ago. She is a lovely person. She is in our thoughts as are you, your brother and your Dad.

    Get well soon Debbie.

    ((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))


    Debie xxxxx

  15. Debbie, I am sending up many many prayers for you. I just know the surgeries will go smoothly and you'll be back to your horses and family events in no time! thank you Ben for giving these updates.

    Hugs - ara

  16. Oh boy what a shock, thankyou for the updates. We all send our thoughts, best wishes , hugs and prayers your way, to dear Debbie and all your family. praying the surgery goes to plan and that we see Debbies smiling face in no time at all . With all our love Kate, John and family xx

  17. OMG ! Ive been away from blogland for a while and so have only just seen the news :o( I hope that you improve real soon Debbie, make sure you rest up and take care after the surgery and you'll be back to normal before you know it, lotsa luv 'n' hugs from me too x

  18. thanks much for the update Ben. Big hugs to your family and especially Debbie. We will be keeping you in our thoughts.

  19. My thoughts and best wishes are with all of you.
    Debbie is a beautiful person and a very special friend.
    Pass on my best wishes and give her a great big hug from me. I wish i was there to do it myself.
    I have sent you a parcel today for Debbie so in a few days make sure you check your mail box on the way out.
    Get well soon Debbie, because we all miss you!
    Nikki xxx

  20. Dear Ben...
    Thank You so much for letting us all know...and for being such a strong individual...which I know in turn gives your Mom lots of strength... Your family is so close and loving...in this love and strength your Mom will heal quickly and all will be well soon.
    Please give her my Love and well wishes... and here's a great big hug for You Ben...


  21. She is in the best of care :) Sending sunshiny healing rays!

  22. I am so glad she made it to the hospital in time to get the kind of care that can help her have a long and productive future with her family and her miniature friends.
    Ben thank you and your mother for taking the time in your families crisis to make sure her friends are kept informed of the situation. That is very considerate of your family and shows what extremely high standards you all have for quality relationships and friendships.

  23. thanks for the update Ben, hugs to you and your mum (but not too tightly hee hee), get well soon Debbie!

    *big virtual hugs*

  24. Like your son says , Fighter! :) So yes, you are going to be fine, Debbie :). It's good to clear the blocks . Many of my friends do and due to regular check ups , find out about their choked arteries when they are healthy . And thank you Ben, for keeping us updated and I am sure you will check in and let us know periodically how mummy is doing until she can do it herself :).

  25. My goodness Ben, that's such a shock for everyone!
    My dad has never been better since he had his heart bypass.
    Please let Debbie know we're all thinking of her.

  26. Ben, You are so right your Mom is a fighter. She will get that surgery and be as good as new in no time. Thank you Ben for letting us know. She loves you boys so much. She will need you all more than ever. She is very lucky to have you all. Please give her big hugs for me. Love~ Kim

  27. Dear Ben, thanks for keeping us informed. Debbie is a great friend and even if we are far we send all our love to her and to you all.
    Eva and Family.

  28. Thanks for the update, Ben. Be well soon, Debbie. I'm sending lots of love and blessings your way.

  29. Best wishes for the surgery!
    I'm sure it will all go fine!

    Thank you Ben for taking the time to update us!

  30. Get well soon wishes to Debbie, take care. Julia & Hywel x

  31. Thank you for the update Ben. I'm so sorry to hear that she will need surgery. Please give her a big mini hug for me! Keep us posted on how she is doing please.
    Sending prayers from holland.

    Ben...maybe you can
    the address of the hospital +_room number awrite here
    and your last name
    so I can send her a postcard from Holland
    big hugg marja

  32. or if you do not open here, please send an email to

  33. Hi Ben,
    I hope Debbie gets well very very soon. I know few people who had bypass surgery with no problems at all, but it always sounds scary. I´m sure it will be fine. Also, good luck for you and Harry on your checkouts!


