Wednesday 26 August 2009

Update again

Hi again everyone its Ben, mum is doing fine and is still awaiting her bypass. She has asked me to thank you all for your kind comments and calls and it means so much to her.
she is sleeping better and eating better now as she was missing her food before because she was in scans and undergoing tests. she is now up out of bed but the doctors are insisting that a nurse helps her to the toilet, she is not very impressed by this at all lol :)

Me and Dad went to see her this morning (Harry is at camp) and Dad has gone up tonight as well to see her and take a few things up there for her. When we were there today the doctor said "you don't do things by half do you" which quite amused her, this was the same doctor from Carmarthen who had referred her to Swansea.
Mum is in good spirits and is just wanting to come home but need to wait only a couple of weeks hopefully. i guess i should try and find out how the washing machine works lol.

Thank you all again for your comments I no they mean allot to mum, I will be printing them off for her so she can read them in the hospital as she does not have access to a computer, i have been reading them to her over the phone :)


  1. Thanks for the update Ben. Glad to hear Mum is doing well. Why is she having to wait so long for her surgery? Here in the USA she would have been taken right away... Hopefully it won't be too long and she will be able to come home soon.
    Tell her I'm praying for her!

  2. You tell her Ben to TAKE IT EASY!!!! No overdoing it, we all want to see and hear from her soon but just relax, and as much as i can understand she wants to get out, dont we all hate hospitals, for her good health she must see it all through and then she can be back with you all again.
    You take it easy too, hoping you all have someone that can look after you abit while Mums away? Take care, big Hugs from us all. Saying our prayers every night for her, the children are in on that too! Love Kate and John xxxx

  3. LOL, Ben, I can imagine that your mum doesn't do things halfway!!

    I am so GLAD to hear she is doing better and she is in good spirits! That is half the battle!

    LOL, yep, you best learn how the the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher work! Along with cooking, cleaning, etc!! :)


  4. Send her my best wishes for a speedy recovery. I hope she is home and feeling back to herself soon.

    Big Hugs from across the pond,

  5. Sending lots of good wishes for a fast speedy recovery and a surgery with minimal pain. Please tell your Mom that she has now been forced to take a break and with you in control of the blog we shall all know if she does not! Laundry is not too hard :) Just don't put the red stuff with the white stuff :) Much love to her and your whole family!!

  6. Glad to hear she's doing better!
    You can tell her she's been in my thoughts.

    And as for the washing machine... it's really quite simple ;)

    (ok, this might just tickle my fancy bone, but the word verification is munat, which means eggs in finnish..heh..)

  7. So glad she is doing better, Ben. I am still praying for her and the surgery. I am sure she is so glad to have you guys helping her out with everything! Keep the updates coming! -ara

  8. Thank you Ben for keeping us posted. Your Mom is a very strong person and I can well believe it would be hard to keep her down. My husband had a heart attack last August and he was in the hospital for a month. Today he is better stronger and healthier than he ever was because he listened to the doctors, controlled his diet and got lots of exercise. So tell you Mom that she has to take this time to let her body heal and soon she will be back to normal as long as she does not rush it. (And it is nice that you are learning all the household appliances as well.)
    Lots of love and prayers from Canada

  9. So happy to read this. Your Mum has become a topic of conversation at our home. We are all worried on her behalf. I'm glad she is feeling better, being allowed to eat is certainly a good thing for morals!Please tell her to take it easy! we all know how hard she can work but PLEASE, relax a bit. There will be plenty of time to catch up with works later on.I wish you and Dad good luck for the washing machine, it can look horrible but it wont bite you ;o))Big hugs from Genoa. Rosanna & family

  10. LOL...Oh Ben, Don't be afraid of the washing machine! Just make sure you check All the pockets before you do anything! And I hope ytou know if You Guys need ANYTHING, all you have to do is Ask us! We Are all full of usefull infomation!! LOL

    Glad to hear her spirits are up! And that she finds this amusing, LOL, You can tell her we do not. And when I started thinking about it last night, How many of us have been telling her to slow down for months now!!! See! You can tell her we told her so!!! Tie her to the bed if you must!!! Debbie! I know it's hard, but Take it easy!!

    And we'll be praying for a speedy, good recovery. Thanks Ben for keeping us updated!


  11. My goodness Ben, Debbie is one lucky mother to have you for a son.
    Yep, get that washing machine working!

  12. Hey Debbie, when my sister was in the hospital for a couple of weeks, she lost some weight. I think this means you're going to guilt free treats for a bit after you recover. ;-)

    Ben just remember to check all the pockets before you put anything in the wash. And make sure you don't bleach anything that isn't already white. (My niece made that mistake with her favorite blue jeans. Nobody told her bleach was not the same as detergent.)

    All the same, I'll be praying for both Debbie's recovery and the integrity of the laundry. ;-)

  13. I am happy to hear that Debbie is out of bed and that she is doing fine.
    We'll keep on thinking about her here in hard that she probably hears it!
    lots of hugs to her and you all from Eva and family (Belgium)

  14. Ben, tell your mom that I am thinking of her and to stop messing about and get well. And about the laundry. Just remember to sort the lights from the darks. Throw them in separately and push the button that says "Start". Hopefully the machine will do the rest. Debbie! Behave yourself and get well!

  15. Ben, please tell your Mom that we are thinking of her and can't wait to hear news that she is recovered and back home again.

    You'll figure out the washer! Lights and darks in separate loads and it will be a breeze!

  16. Ben, you're such a sweetheart, and Debbie, you sure did good on the kids eh! and i know i shouldn't be laughing, but the "you sure don't do things by half" comment cracked me up!

    yea! take it easy! not often you get a break, and now that you -have- to you jolly well enjoy it! ^ ^

    good luck with the laundry Ben! just ask us if you have any questions LOL


  17. are such a good young man...taking care of your Mm and things that need to be taken care of...your Mom and Dad are very lucky to have you as a son...

    I know your Mom is strong and strong willed...which is half the battle when facing anything medical...she will do just fine...with the strength of her loving family she will be home very very soon...

    I am Always here to talk if you want to chat...
    Hugs to You and Your wonderful Family


  18. Keep showing them who's boss Debbie. I know you already no this but wow reading Ben's post what a lucky lady you are. You can tell he is a good boy. I smiled when I read how he better learn to use the washer. Yes!!!! Debbie I know it can be hard to rest when there are so many things you want to do, but you must. Its just for a little while and you will be well again and back to all those things you like to do. It will all still be there waiting for you.
    I'm thinking about you lots and sending you and your lovely family big hugs. Love, Kim

  19. Hello Ben, I have been away for the past 10 days and have just returned home to hear your bad news! Please, please...pass my very best wishes to your mother and wish her a speady recovery, I only know your mother from her blog, but she is their for all of us with a positive word and enthusiasm, so tell her I am thinking of little as that my help??
    "Wishing you well Debbie"
    Kindest Regards, Linda x

  20. I'm so glad to hear she is doing better...!
    Debbie, fighter lady: the most important thing now is your recovery, so, take it easy!!
    I send you all my best wishes and positive energies!!

  21. Hi Ben,
    IT is so good that you take time to let us know how Mum is doing - please send my love and very best wishes and also I hope that you, and and other family members are doing well too - it must have been a bit rough on you all.
    Take good care of her and I hope that you & Harry's tests prove to be ok.
    Tell your Mum we miss her and look forward to her blogs, soon.

  22. Thanks for the update Ben. Glad to hear debbie(your mum) is doing well.
    I am so glad to hear she is doing better .
    Send her my best wishes for a speedy recovery..
    take care of yourself and your brother en dad..
    bigg hugg Marja
