Thursday 2 April 2009

The Witch Of The West...

Kate started this off over on her blog, then Kat had a go and then Nikki. If you click on their names, it will take you over to their blogs so you can see their pictures for yourself. So I thought I couldn't miss out on the fun, so went over to the site and tried it out for myself. Here I am as the Wicked Witch of The West and couldn't resist sticking Mick's face on Hagrids Body... LOL..

If you want to try it out yourselves here's the link:-
If you do post them on your blogs, so we can all have a giggle...


  1. Oh Debbie those are just fabulous! You look aazing as a witch ( and I mean that in a nice way!!) and hubby looks so cool as Hagrid!! Hope the boys have fun with it too xx

  2. LOL Thanks Kate, I'll take that as a compliment. My Boys call me a Witch!

  3. YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!! a very sexy witch! and Mick is a very hand some Hagrid. Hugs

  4. Gosh Debbie. What a handsome couple you are! Lol... oh Lol!
    You both look wondeful and mick suits the big belly.

  5. Can't stop laughing. Just had to call back and let you know... lol.
    Can't wait until this evening to see more pics from everyone.
    I'm going to pimp mine when i have the time and do some lipstick and stuff like Kat.
    Its so funny... oh lol!

  6. This Face in hole stuff is really funny...I cannot stop laughing about myself...have a look:

  7. Nikki, I did some others of Mick last night and I was literally chocking with laughter. Put his Head on Arnie Schwarzenegger's Body!!

  8. Eva your one is so Funny as a Furbie.. LOL

  9. what a fun thing to do!!!!!!

  10. Judy C you must give a try and give us the link so we can go over and have look..

  11. What FUN!!!!!! You two looks Marvelous! I may have to give that a go...
    I LOVE doing things like this in photos shop...VERY addicting!!

    Have a Terrific Thursday


  12. hahaha..........super debby!!!
    hugs marja

  13. Debbie you too look like my sister ha ha! Mick looks great as Hagrid :-). Have a look on my blog page for a bit of a laugh! I was feeling very fat today so gave myself a makeover without dieting and no surgery hurrah ha ha ha!

  14. So much fun, I loved seeing them all!
