Friday 3 April 2009

Thank You Eva...

A couple of weeks ago, I had an email from Eva over at Evilla Prunella's Clay Play. One of her friends was going to London and she asked if I knew of any Dolls House Shops there.
Eva wanted some plates and other bits and pieces, which she is finding difficult to get in Belgium.
I gave her a couple of addresses and offered to send her some bits. So we agreed a swap.
Well yesterday the Post arrived and there was a parcel from Eva. Inside was a wooden box, which Eva had embroidered a top for and added beads from Polymer Clay. As I opened it, inside the lid are two little Rabbits, sitting either side of a heart and impressed in the heart are two little paw prints, and an embroidered gift tag. The box has two compartments, in one there was a parcel of Chocolate Bars. In the other was two Charms made from Fimo.
Thank you Eva and I hope it's not long before your Parcel arrives..

How Spooky just posted this and Eva sent me an email to say her parcel had arrived this morning..


  1. Dear Debbie,
    I am happy that you like what I sent you! =^_^=
    As I told you by mail your parcel has arrived and I am the happiest beginner miniaturist in the whole universe!

  2. So pleased that your parcel arrived safely and you are Happy with the bits & pieces.. Mini Hugs

  3. Hi Debbie, What lovely little gifts. Isn't it just the best fun getting mini mail!

  4. Mercedes, I agree its lovely..

  5. Minis and chocolate. What a lucky woman you are! :-)
