Saturday 14 March 2009

More Awards..

I've been given the Sisterhood award from Sans over at DollhouseDiaries, My Maharaja's Palace. Sans blog is fabulous, full of pictures and information of the making of her Maharaja's Palace.
Here's what San had to say about me:-
Debbie (Wales, UK), of the famed Tiny Treasures, seems to know almost anyone and everyone and is always always taking the time to give someone a kind or encouraging word. She is much admired for her work, her generosity and her dedication.
I then received the same award from Kate & John over at Whittaker's Miniatures and here's what they had to say:-Firstly to Debbie, now I'm pretty sure I can award this to you Deb, as I know you've had it before but that's allowed isn't it? Debbie has been incredible in sorting out my blog, helping us out with minis for our house, and deserves this sisterhood award so much .So the first award goes to Debbie at

Gosh, its all a bit overwhelming!
So I've decided in the Spirit of the Generosity that it was given, I'd like to award this award to everyone that follows my blog.
After all we are all Sister's in the blogoshere..

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