Tuesday 24 February 2009

New Followers..

A big Welcome to my new followers they are:-
Zaphia who's blog is called O Mundo de Zaphia. Zaphia's blog has the most beautiful photographs of her Miniatures.
Minialev who's blog is called Minialev.
And last but not least is Golden Unicorn Miniatures who has a blog called Golden Unicorn Miniatures and also a website.
As always please go over and say Hello...

I've noticed that I've lost a couple of followers over the last couple of days!

Just to let everyone know as well, that you can only follow 200 blogs, how did I find this out? Well I went to add myself to someones blog yesterday and it wouldn't let me. Said I was already following 200 and that's your limit. So I'm going to have to reduce them, please don't be offended if I disappear as a Follower to your blog, I'll still be popping in to catch up as I have everybody over on my Tiny Treasures Mini Link Page.

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