Monday 23 February 2009

Blog Awards.. Thank You Kat & Casey..

Yesterday I was awarded an Official Witchy Witch Award from my friend Kat, over on Kat The Hat's Blog page. Kat awarded me my Official Witch award for my work in Witchy Miniature Making. Thanks so much Kat, I could see quite a few of us huddled round a Cauldron having a good ole cackle.. LOL..

And today I have been awarded a Your Blog Is Fabulous from my friend Casey over on Casey's Minis. Now with this one I have to list five of my addictions, then pass it on to another five people.
Well let me think !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My addictions are:-
1. Miniatures and anything Dolls House related.
2. Miniature Shetland Ponies (Do you see a theme continuing here?)
3. Blogging, which is nearly all Miniature related!
4. Chocolate. Well I'm sorry, but what would us Girls & Boys do without some of the Sinful Stuff?
5. Mmmmmmmmmm can't think of anything else at the moment!

Now here's the tricky part, I read so many other blogs and I think they are all fabulous, so I think it will be names in the hat again.
I award the award to:-
1. Marsha at Sassy Mini Dolls.
2. Susanna at Elamaa Koossa 1:12.
3. Marja at Marja's Wondere Wereld Van Miniatuur.
4. Jean at Jean Day Miniatures.
5. Linda at Linsminiartform.


  1. Thank you so much, Debbie!!! I'll be posting it on my blog shortly!

  2. Wow, That is so much fun! Thank you very much! Do I do the same as you did and pass it on? Love the image. Cheers, Jean

  3. thank you Debbie.
    am very honored with this award!
    and ever .... I will make a witches house .... who knows in the future
    hugs Marja

  4. Well, Thank You Debbie!! I'm comparison to your wonderful blogging efforts mine pale into insignificance! As soon as I get a break from the school runs, constant ironing & dirty nappies tha the 3 grandkids throw at me I'll set to & sort out my fave 5 blogs & post them...but...can one of them be yours??
